WI Gov. Tony Evers Wants To Legalize Recreational Pot – IOTW Report

WI Gov. Tony Evers Wants To Legalize Recreational Pot

Weasel Zippers

You’d have to be high to vote for this imbecile. More

20 Comments on WI Gov. Tony Evers Wants To Legalize Recreational Pot

  1. If they want minorities to be involved then I can guarantee that the Hmong will be all over this. Half of them are on government assistance and their electricity is free. They will be growing pot in the attics now.

  2. While I think that many of the resources spent on the War On Drugs could have been put to better use, and that civil forfeiture is an abomination, I am very uncomfortable with this move to make sure that people are stoned all the time.

  3. …by Federal law, if you use pot, you have to report it as a controlled substance on question 11e, which SPECIFICALLY ask if you smoke pot and says it doesn’t matter if your STATE legalized it, its still illegal FEDERALLY.


    …So if they get you to spliff up, then they can deny you the right to purchase a gun, or put you in jail for lying about pot,THEN take your gun.

    …which is why Democrats never change the FEDERAL law.

    …it’s a TRAP.


  4. the industry drastically failed to attract minority business owners.

    Hey moron, see the word “minority?” That means there are fewer of them. Do you want to appoint a minority to run a business now? I’m sure share/debtholders would be thrilled.

  5. ALL ABOUT THE $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


    Tax the shit out of it and get the pothead drug addicts to give more than their fair share…


  6. Wasn’t it Colorado that legalized it with the thought of taxing the snot out of it, just to find that the business for illegal dealers went up because they were much cheaper?

  7. ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS FEBRUARY 8, 2021 AT 6:23 PM

    “…by Federal law, if you use pot, you have to report it as a controlled substance on question 11e, which SPECIFICALLY ask if you smoke pot and says it doesn’t matter if your STATE legalized it, its still illegal FEDERALLY.”

    It would seem that that would be a violation of a person’s Fifth Amendment rights.


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