WI Supreme Court Rules Unanimously Mobile Voting Vans Unconstitutional – IOTW Report

WI Supreme Court Rules Unanimously Mobile Voting Vans Unconstitutional

Washington Examiner

Conservatives on the Wisconsin Supreme Court say the order that bans Racine County’s mobile voting van but keeps the city’s Democrat-heavy other polling locations is nonsensical.

The liberal-majority court unanimously ruled that Racine, and other cities in Wisconsin, cannot use vans to collect ballots. More

Donald Trump will be in Racine next Tuesday for a rally. Here

8 Comments on WI Supreme Court Rules Unanimously Mobile Voting Vans Unconstitutional

  1. There is NO end to the depths of which the Satanist democrat party is willing to go in order to maintain their hold on power…..And, that really is very scary knowing they still hold the reigns.

  2. Well when the Litards harvest votes here in California they show up at homeless encampments with bottles of red eye. Red Eye for a libtard vote. What’s the difference?


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