WikiLeaks Reveals Who in Hollywood Is Really on Hillary Clinton’s Call List – IOTW Report

WikiLeaks Reveals Who in Hollywood Is Really on Hillary Clinton’s Call List

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HollywoodReporter: Days after leaving the Obama White House, John Podesta set to work on courting Hollywood for his new boss. The leaked emails reveal some in Hollywood were just as keen to court the eventual Democratic nominee.

While the hack of Hillary Clinton’s private email account posted earlier this year on WikiLeaks didn’t serve up a lot of Hollywood dish — save for effusive emails from Harvey Weinstein when she was secretary of state and a 2011 email from “H” asking staff to put studio chief Alan Horn on her call sheet days after Warner Bros. ousted him — the same can’t be said for the recent hack of 2016 Clinton presidential campaign chairman John Podesta. As soon he resigned as an Obama White House adviser in February 2015 to work for Clinton’s not-yet-announced bid, a priority was to court Hollywood, including Jeffrey Katzenberg (who backed Barack Obama in 2008’s primaries), according to the database posted on WikiLeaks. Podesta likewise is courted by the town.

While the hack of Hillary Clinton’s private email account posted earlier this year on WikiLeaks didn’t serve up a lot of Hollywood dish — save for effusive emails from Harvey Weinstein when she was secretary of state and a 2011 email from “H” asking staff to put studio chief Alan Horn on her call sheet days after Warner Bros. ousted him — the same can’t be said for the recent hack of 2016 Clinton presidential campaign chairman John Podesta. As soon he resigned as an Obama White House adviser in February 2015 to work for Clinton’s not-yet-announced bid, a priority was to court Hollywood, including Jeffrey Katzenberg (who backed Barack Obama in 2008’s primaries), according to the database posted on WikiLeaks. Podesta likewise is courted by the town.  MORE

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