Will Al Franken Run For Office Again? – IOTW Report

Will Al Franken Run For Office Again?

AT: Minnesota’s Al Franken, the television “comedian” who got run out of the Senate for sex harassment and general creep-pervert behavior a year ago, sounds as though he wants to run again.

Run, Al, run!

According to the Washington Free Beacon:

Former Sen. Al Franken (D., Minn.) said he hadn’t ruled out the possibility of running for public office again during an interview with a CBS Minnesota television station on Monday.

Franken attended the dedication of Bug-O-Nay-Ge-Shig High School on the Leech Lake Indian Reservation.  He sat on the Indian Affairs Committee in the U.S. Senate and helped secure $12 million in funding for new facilities to replace the old one, which was in dismal condition.

“That means a lot to me.  It was very moving for me.  It was very gratifying.  I put my heart in the job,” Franken said.  “I miss the whole job.  I loved that job, I loved the job as Senator.”

“Will you run for office again?” WCCO-TV reporter Esme Murphy asked.

“Well, see, if I say anything there, you’ll put it in the story.  I don’t know.  I don’t know,” Franken said.  “I haven’t ruled it out, and I haven’t ruled it in.”

In other words, he’s decided the coast is clear on #MeToo, the group has lost its influence, and too many other leftists have been caught with their hands in the groper’s till for voters to care anymore.  Storm over, time to grope again.    more

15 Comments on Will Al Franken Run For Office Again?

  1. He didn’t actually even win his last election, he won during recounts and legally maneuvering around the Republican that could have stopped ObamaCare. By all means run Al.

  2. Franken was quoted as saying “Tits too early to decide. I haven’t copped a feel as to whether its a good idea or not. If my pole (numbers) is rising or if I see interest in my candidacy going upskirt, I’ll try and penetrate, er, enter, the race”.

  3. Oh, I wouldn’t encourage him. The voter fraud apparatus he “won” on is still operational in Minnesota. It’s how Mark Dayton (Mentally Unstable) and Keith Ellison (Muslim and ISIS Supporter) and many other Ds won their elections.

    I’ve heard it’s even worse since I left last year. And you wouldn’t believe how many so-called intelligent people love Franken there. It makes me sick.

  4. There’s your proof that power is an addictive drug. He loved the adulation and needs more.
    That’s why most leave office heels first on a gurney with a sheet over them. Teddy did. Mccain will… maybe. It’ll be close.


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