Will Europe Turn A Blind Eye To Muslim Paedophiles Posing As Refugees? – IOTW Report

Will Europe Turn A Blind Eye To Muslim Paedophiles Posing As Refugees?

muslim pedos

By BI: Muslim Child brides from the Middle East are turning up in refugee centers in The Netherlands, and Dutch authorities are at a loss on how to deal with the problem. Social workers are faced with a horrifying dilemma: return girls as young as 13 to their middle-aged husbands and, in the process, turn a blind eye to what would be government-sanctioned child rape; or break up families?  more 

14 Comments on Will Europe Turn A Blind Eye To Muslim Paedophiles Posing As Refugees?

  1. The solution may be easier than you’d think. I don’t see why the Dutch parliament can’t pass a law to the effect that the country will not recognize marriages where one or both parties are less than x years old. For an age, the law might conform to whatever the minimum marriage age is for marriages performed in the Netherlands.

    By not recognizing the marriage, the Dutch government would therefore be free to act in the interest of the child brides because without the marriage being recognized, there is no family to keep together.

    You have to work a decade in New York City Family Court to get this clever.

  2. The British solved this problem years ago.
    When the ran India the custom was to have the wife of a dead man tossed on his pyre.
    They claimed it was their culture.
    Britain responded that their culture was to hang people that murdered women, and proceeded to build gallows at funerals.
    Amazingly, the practice of burning widows ended, and to this day does not exist there.
    When a cat craps on your rug you need to cover it’s face in it or it will keep doing so.
    However, as a dog always returns to his vomit, a liberal will ignore the lessons from the past.

  3. Twenty years ago a friend of mine was managing an apartment complex. One renter was a young Saudi man attending a local college. His wife was 14 years old and was not allowed to go anywhere. She was bored stiff and befriended a young American man who lived in a neighboring apartment. The Saudi entered the man’s apartment in a jealous rage and cut him to pieces with a machete. He then left with his bride and flew back to Saudi Arabia before it was discovered and he was never prosecuted. My friend described the blood-drenched apartment which they could not clean for several days while the police investigated. Miraculously the man who was attacked survived.

  4. Of course they will. Just like the limeys turned a blind eye to the violent gang rape of their young girls by koranimals. For a decade at least. Any parent that objected was jailed. There is no solution that does not involve lots of guns, knives, axes, ropes, sporks, and blood running down 10 Downing 6 feet deep.

  5. They made their bed with these piece of shit moslims and now they have to lay in it.

    Obama/Jarrett want to the EXACT same thing to this country by seeding 100s of 1,000s of “syrian” refugees in small towns across this country.

    What are you going to do when they start unloading 10 buses of these dirtbags in your downtown?

    I know if I hear of any of this happening in any of the nearby towns where I live in w Texas, I’ll get together a bunch of neighbors and meet this shit head on.

  6. The litigants are fine and don’t bother me at all. It’s actually a very interesting job.

    Having said that, if you dropped a bomb on my female co-workers, all the doofus administrators downtown, and Douchey-Douche Cuomo, I wouldn’t shed a tear.

  7. If these EU countries have to ask the question, the answer is too obvious. They’re now debating what is morally right and what isn’t? Please, America, let’s not get to that place.

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