Will Jordan Peterson run against Trudeau? – IOTW Report

Will Jordan Peterson run against Trudeau?

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Conservatism—- 2018- Ever since being a young boy Jordan Peterson has thought about be involved in politics. however, he is constantly drawn back the psychological aspect as it seems to have more depth and be able to explain more about human existence. Jordan Peterson is educated enough to know how difficult running a province can be and does not take it lightly. For the very reason he says no to wanting to be involved in politics at higher level I believe he would be move involved than most politicians. However, that would detract from Jordan Peterson is most interested in. Jordan Peterson is asked by Cliff central his thoughts on Justin Trudeau and Dr. Jordan Peterson lays out exactly how Trudeau was elected and how the means by which he was elected are underhanded. Then, Cliff central asks him the state of South Africa and whether or not South Africa will change. Jordan Peterson like many others understand that the unlawful land grabs by sections of population are not only wrong but will bring about the destruction of the area and I hate to say it an entire population.

Original Video By Toronto Sun: http://torontosun.com/news/national/e…

9 Comments on Will Jordan Peterson run against Trudeau?

  1. Jimmy Carter would do better the current Bozo*. I know O was worse than Carter, but I would never lay that burden on my Canadian cousins.

    *scary clown reference.

  2. Jordan Peterson makes more sense than anyone I’ve heard speak publicly in my recent memory. For that reason alone he’s probably totally unsuited for the world of politics.

  3. Peterson is certainly bright, but he’s not that bright. He still thinks global warming is science and not politics and he admits that she would have voted for Trump but he thought Hillary was a better candidate because he had “the most experience.”

    You can’t fix stupid with the intellectual crowd. He is a shining star among them but man, it is still a hopeless cause.

    For what it’ worth I watched all of his lectures. He has them on his website. I highly recommend all of them. But the professor class does lead a sheltered life.

  4. Does Canada have to have a depression before they vote Pretty Boy out of office?

    That probably wouldn’t work as He would probably promise to end such a depression by taxing the productive members of society even more and have his party win in a landslide.

  5. I love and respect the guy, but hope he doesn’t enter politics and continues to fight the system under the protection of his tenure. Canada would benefit more in the longer term if he continues to use his time and talents doing the Lord’s work advising and guiding his legions of lost and deceived young adult fans.

    Anyway, Trudeau keeps shooting himself in the sock, so who knows what will happen in the next election. Maybe even the immigrants his Liberal party are rushing in to replace Canadian voters will be too embarrassed to vote for them.

  6. I just love listening to Jordan Peterson, He’s so calm, intelligent, and enjoyable. Just like listening to William F. Buckley on Firing Line years ago. I hope the Canadians elect him. It would benefit Canada.


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