Will US Supreme Court Allow Cops’ Suit Against Marilyn Mosby? – IOTW Report

Will US Supreme Court Allow Cops’ Suit Against Marilyn Mosby?

Legal Insurrection: The Baltimore police officers who are suing State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby for maliciously investigating and defaming them when she criminally charging them over the death of Freddie Gray while he was in police custody have appealed the 4th Circuit’s dismissal of their case to the US Supreme Court, according to the Baltimore Sun.

A copy of the officers’ petition for certiorari to the US Supreme Court is embedded at the bottom of this post. In addition, you can find my extensive coverage of the Freddie Gray cases over at Legal Insurrection by clicking here.

The Freddie Gray case isn’t technically a self-defense case, in that none of the officers raised the legal defense of self-defense in response to the criminal charges against them. Rather, their defense was that they simply used no unlawful force on Gray at all. As a result this case would not normally be the subject of coverage by Law of Self Defense.

This case is, however, akin to many high-profile self-defense cases in the news in recent years since it’s another example of very serious criminal charges, premised on a claimed unlawful use of force, in the absence of any actual evidence to support such charges.  MORE

5 Comments on Will US Supreme Court Allow Cops’ Suit Against Marilyn Mosby?

  1. They better, ‘coarse they won’t. An idiot wanting a ‘Lawsuit Lottery’ breaking his own neck in the back of a police van, since than accepted by his ‘demeaned family’. Not 2 Sh*its are given.

  2. The irrefutable fact is that once you are “cuffed-n-stuffed” the arresting officers are 100% responsible for your welfare, even if you do not follow their commands so if someone dies while they are cuffed the officers in charge of the prisoner should be held accountable for their failure to protect the arrested person.

    With the perp crying for medical attention, other prisoners backing up his serious claim of injury, and the timeframe given before the officers got out and helped the dude means to me they are criminally negligent for allowing him to die on the side of the road waiting on an ambulance that was never going to get there in time to make any difference at all.

    Take their jobs and pensions for negligence but let a jury of 12 decide their fate based on the facts and the time line of events.

  3. cslamer wrote: Take their jobs and pensions for negligence but let a jury of 12 decide their fate based on the facts and the time line of events.

    @cslamer: Maybe you don’t follow the news much, but it may surprise you to find out every single officer that was taken to trial was found not guilty. It got to a point where Mosby dropped the final two cases because she realized she had no evidence of any wrong-doing and it was wasting taxpayer money and (more importantly to her) making the residents of Baltimore who demanded the blood of innocents to become ever more angry that she could not rail-road these officers into prison.

    THAT is why she is being sued! They were found NOT GUILTY, with little to NO evidence of wrong-doing, and this woman continued to file charges only to advance her own career!


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