Will you gun lobbyists please stop confusing poor Shannon Watts? – IOTW Report

Will you gun lobbyists please stop confusing poor Shannon Watts?


Shannon Watts: ‘Gun Lobby’ Uses Word ‘Suppressor’ to Confuse Us.

easily confused

Gun control proponent Shannon Watts, founder of the Michael Bloomberg-funded Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, claims the “gun lobby” is using the term “suppressor” instead of “silencer” as a way to confuse members of her group.

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18 Comments on Will you gun lobbyists please stop confusing poor Shannon Watts?

  1. She looks easily confused.

    But she’s savvy enough to get Bloomberg to pay her bills. Ka-Ching.

    ATF can legalize suppressors over the counter with a stroke of the regulatory pen.

    In other news, Bloomberg today saying NH Trump is almost guaranteed reelection in 2020.

  2. If I drive without a muffler I can be fined for being too loud. If I walk into a production area of a factory with presses or loud machinery the owner can be fined for not making sure I have on hearing protection. You left-tards just want everything your way.
    I am waiting for my ATF approval, bought a nice suppressor so I can have fun and preserve my hearing.

  3. The dang things don’t silence guns. They reduce – suppress – the sound, typically by about 30 db. A .22 pistol shot’s sound level (from fairly close up) is about 160 db, so with a suppressor that comes down to about 130 db. OSHA sets its Danger! Danger! level at 140 db.

    It isn’t very complicated, Shannon, so if you say this is confusing you’re either stupid or lying.

    But wait a minute, I just remembered! Math’s hard!

  4. Wandering eye can’t put two words together for the same meaning? Or is it because one word sounds better than the other? Like undocumented immigrant and ILLEGAL alien?

    It’s a two way street hon, so make sure each eye is looking the other direction.

  5. In order for a suppressor to work properly you have to figure barrel length, speed of bullet, temperature, weight of bullets, semi/fa/or bolt action, and altitude. You just can’t screw on a can without these factors, but the gun grabbers don’t care to learn anything anyway.

  6. Of course there is a difference between a silencer and a suppressor; at least according to television and films. Silencers make nothing more that a gentle “pffft” sound. Shotguns can blow a 200 pound man off his feet and back through a plate glass window. Automatic weapons can continuously shoot about 10 minutes without reloading. A machine gun can shoot all day without melting the barrel. A pistol in the hands of a novice is accurate at 200 yards. And Shannon Watts is an idiot who knows nothing about guns.

  7. Wyatt, lol.
    And don’t forget, any handgun shot will instantly pop open the strongest padlock and door lock.
    A single handgun round will always break the heaviest chain. Handcuffs part like butter. Even at 50 yards. It’s so easy you don’t even have to aim.
    Guns fire forever. But when your gun is finally empty, you THROW IT AWAY.
    Empty magazines (or “clips” as those in the know say) are thrown away too. They probably come pre-loaded with those bullet thingies at those gun places where you buy, you know, gun things, and stuff.

    I know this is true because I see it on TV, and movies. Every. Single. Time.

  8. You nailed it Wyatt
    The leftists in Hollyweird create a false impression of
    weaponry and human capabilities and their uneducated audience takes the bait hook line and sinker.

    Little women can open up a can of whupass on a posse of thugs. Guns can go pfft.

    Years ago, when the first Star Trek movie came out, my leftist friend exclaimed after seeing the starship enterprise, “look at the size of that thing!”

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