Wisconsin rejects doing recount by hand; Stein to sue – IOTW Report

Wisconsin rejects doing recount by hand; Stein to sue

MWJS: Madison — The Wisconsin Elections Commission set a timetable Monday for a recount of the presidential election but rejected a request to conduct it by hand made by Green Party candidate Jill Stein, who quickly responded that she would sue.

Also Monday, Stein filed a lawsuit in Pennsylvania to force a recount there and her supporters began filing recount requests at the precinct level there. Stein — who received just a tiny piece of the vote —also plans to ask for a recount in Michigan on Wednesday.

Unless Stein wins her lawsuit in Dane County Circuit Court, officials in each of Wisconsin’s 72 counties would decide on their own whether to do their recounts by hand. That could mean some counties perform recounts by machine and some by hand.

Citing the results of a 2011 statewide recount that changed only 300 votes, Elections Commission chairman Mark Thomsen, a Democrat, said this presidential recount is very unlikely to change Republican Donald Trump’s win in the state.

“It may not be 22,177,” said Thomsen, referring to Trump’s win over Democrat Hillary Clinton in the vote count. “But I don’t doubt that the president-elect is going to win that.”  read more

17 Comments on Wisconsin rejects doing recount by hand; Stein to sue

  1. Fine. Let them do a recount. Then we can have a recount done on the states that Clinton won, and we will see exactly how much voter fraud went on on the Clinton side. I will bet any amount that there was more fraud on the dems side of things than there was on repub side.

  2. The÷ state will not play one potato, two potato with Jill, she only asked for a hand count because Uncle George told her to consume as much time as possible. If she has a reasonable malfunction besides the loss, another approach might be taken.

  3. A statewide manual recount in these three states would likely not be completed by December 19th, forcing their electoral votes out of the electoral college totals and leaving Trump with only 260 – ten shy of the magic number to win. Selection of the president would go to the House, where a Republican majority would most likely elect Trump president.

    For the next four years, Democrats will cry about how Trump lost the popular vote, lost the electoral vote, and only became president because the Republicans made it happen.

    This has nothing to do with recounting votes. It’s about making Trump look like an illegitimate president.

  4. There needs to be an investigation done on Stein and why she’s demanding these recounts and who is paying for them. If the money is traced back to Soros or one of his drones then that needs to be made very public even if there is no law against what he and Stein may be doing. The public needs to know exactly what caused this affront to an honest election. Trump ought to have DOJ start an investigation into voter fraud in general to determine who does it, how they do it and how to stop it in the future.

  5. I wonder if $7MM is enough for all these law suits Jillie is launching against Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and probably Michigan as well. Maybe Soros should send her $1BB to cover incidentals. Attorneys getting richer, nothing accomplished, Jill gets a bad rep as Whackjob nutcase, GreenParty dies, Soros goes into hiding deeper, Obama sends the cleaners to Qatar to get the manse ready for himself since Hills and Bills will be unable to leave, due to being tried for High Treason, Child murder, adult murder, assorted felonies, then we move on to the Clinton Cartel…yeah, Baby! HAPPY FEET WANNA DANCE!

  6. @TN Tuxedo……not how it works. If it did, every presidential election would be challenge. Quit spreading this crap.

    Florida cerified their votes in 2000 and W got elected. Federal court left open a safe harbor for the state. The legislature could have selected the electors slates to make the EC deadline. They didn’t need to go that route.

  7. I wouldn’t mind if Trump asked for Nevada’s votes to be recounted. We all saw what hillary’s people did to the bernie voters, so who is to say she didn’t rustle up some illegals to help herself out? This is harry reid country we’re talking about here.

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