Wisconsin sheriff refuses to enforce leftwing governor’s stay-at-home order because it violates the Constitution – IOTW Report

Wisconsin sheriff refuses to enforce leftwing governor’s stay-at-home order because it violates the Constitution


Wisconsin Sheriff Christopher Schmaling, who serves Racine County, is risking everything to defy his state’s Democratic Governor Tom Evers, who he feels is violating the U.S. Constitution with his stay-at-home order.

Schmaling is taking a stand for his community by refusing to enforce the lockdown order, which Governor Evers just extended one month to May 26. Wisconsin Public Radio reported the following about the order: more

14 Comments on Wisconsin sheriff refuses to enforce leftwing governor’s stay-at-home order because it violates the Constitution

  1. It used to be that it was the sick people who were the ones quarantined.
    The Left has used this “opportunity” to put constraints on the healthy!
    Not only that, but it is obvious that they want to milk it for all its worth until the election!

  2. In Wisconsin are sheriff’s under any legal or constitutional obligation to obey orders from the governor?

    I know nothing about Wisconsin law or its constitution.

  3. Lock down until the end of next month is horrible. We need to start lifting the restraints, quarantine off the nursing homes and get this state back to business by the end of the month.

  4. Good for this sheriff. Someone has some integrity.

    With all these new studies coming out showing that 50-80 times more people have the chinese virus and have no symptoms, what is the leftard take?
    I’ll tell you. I listened to the news and they said..” it’s a real punch in the gut to find out all these people have the virus”.
    yes, they’re actually spinning this as horrible news that means the gov’t hasn’t destroyed the economy enough.

    To find out that the virus is MUCH less harmful than they’ve been telling us is spun as bad news.

    The democrats and their media are a horribly destructive force in this country.
    Everyone will be dead if they have their way.

  5. The good news:

    1. The virus’ spread is 50-80 times the “confirmed cases.” This is the primary reason why new cases and deaths are dropping – a result typical of influenza viruses during ‘flu season.’

    2. The virus kills mainly older people, especially if they are compromised in some way. It’s much easier to protect a smaller segment of our population – than the whole population.

    3. The virus does seem to be treatable by various methods, which are destined to get even better over time, at least for now.

    4. Many health care professionals are realizing that CoVid infections need to be treated much earlier than waiting for test results when being severely ill already.

    5. We’re finally realizing that we need thorough antibody studies of our population and many are underway. At some point, people are going to demand that politicians take their nose out of this.

  6. Good for all the sheriffs who are taking this stand. I can tell you that living in an area with a sheriff who is willing to thumb their noses at the tyranical overlords is such a comfort. We still follow the federal guidlines, but we don’t fear being ticketed or arrested for living free.

  7. Perhaps the supposed “Republican” controlled Senate and Assembly will get off their collective asses and fight back against Evers but I seriously doubt it–they are too afraid of the media in Milwaukee/Madison. Until then it’s up to patriots like Sheriff Schmaling to lead the way

  8. A Sheriff takes the side of the Constitution and “We, the People of the United States” and THAT’s news?

    We should be sorely ashamed of our elected maggots – and their appointed maggots.
    They should be terminated with extreme prejudice.
    (fired, as it were, with NO pension)

    izlamo delenda est …


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