Without a Hint of Self-Reflection, Muslim Ilhan Omar Says She’s Frustrated By Pols Who Force Their Religious Beliefs On Others – IOTW Report

Without a Hint of Self-Reflection, Muslim Ilhan Omar Says She’s Frustrated By Pols Who Force Their Religious Beliefs On Others

17 Comments on Without a Hint of Self-Reflection, Muslim Ilhan Omar Says She’s Frustrated By Pols Who Force Their Religious Beliefs On Others

  1. Almost like she wants non-musloids to abort their offspring cuz the musloids won’t do that! It’s called taquiyya or sanctioned lying to the non-musloids under their belief system.

  2. I despise the total ignorance, stupidity and dumbness of the liberal left, their refusal to acknowledge facts and their pretentious superiority over the rest of common-sense America.

    They are so frigging stupid I doubt they would even feel a bullet to the head.

  3. Funny, I am more than concerned that islamic immigrants come here to attack the very foundation of our Nation, culture and traditions. Knowing they have no intention of assimilating but to create havoc by spreading the murderous evil intentions of islam. What they bring to the US is to infect our Nation, as they have in Europe.
    This will end badly, with many US lives in the balance.

    More deceit, deception & distraction from the real intentions of islam.
    It’s been going on for 1400 years, what makes you think they have changed? Not one damn thing has changed, except the enemy is within our gates now.

  4. Self reflection is not an “app’ available to members of the Borg. Were she (and any of her like minded peers) placed in a situation where some independent and rational thought were necessary to survival, I suspect that she and they would shortly be dead.

  5. So if we bow to their friggin pisslamic law that’s OK according to this hypocrite but if you even say a peep about Christianity that somehow violates the so called separation of church and state. Remove her from office now and ship her back to her hellhole country of Somalia where she belongs, one way with no return to the US ever.

  6. Someone please ask this woman if she’s undergone FGM; specifically, clitorectomy. If so, ask if she’s ever had an orgasm? If not, that would explain a lot about her attitude.

    Clitorectomy’s purpose is to prevent female orgasm, in order to reduce the temptation to adultery. As a Western male, I am opposed to frigidity in women.

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