WOKE Santa makes little boy cry because he asked for Nerf Gun – IOTW Report

WOKE Santa makes little boy cry because he asked for Nerf Gun

This poor kid just wanted a nerf gun for Christmas and liberal mall Santa decided to make him cry instead—

This story has a happy ending …

17 Comments on WOKE Santa makes little boy cry because he asked for Nerf Gun

  1. This is why those “Studies” majors want their student loans wiped off the books! Cripes! They can’t even hold a job that requires only three things: Saying “Ho! Ho! Ho!”, “Merry Christmas!” and not smelling like pot. Oh, four things: not making little kids cry.

  2. Woke Santa got his jolly ass fire, and the kid is now swimming in Nerf Guns including one that was delivered by another Santa. A move that in the future will cause this young man a need for therapy

  3. I would not have been calm like his mother. Sorry, but all the little kids would have seen an old lady going off on this Santa. He would have been lucky if all he got was a tongue lashing.

    I did see where he’d been fired though.

  4. Wouldn’t it have been great if Tina Forte was the mom?
    First, she’d pull the beard off Woke Santa and slap him in the face. Then, she’d yell, “You f&@king muthaf&@ker, what have you done with the real Santa, you pussy piece of $hit?!?!”

  5. Kick
    Had this OLD man been there his nuts would have been just under hi chin, assuming he has a chin!

    Been a long time since i did a nut kick; but that – – – deserves one IN SPADES! Or NO TRUMP

  6. Wow! As a mother of a boy – now grown, that breaks my heart. What a sweet, normal young man. Making a normal boy cry is serious, because their identity as males can be easily damaged when attacked.
    Woke “Santa” needs to be in the hottest spot in Hell for wounding that young man. I would have made that soy boy “Santa”, cry after I was done with him.
    Glad decent people stepped up to help. The happy ending is priceless.


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