Woke Talking Points Cost Gillibrand Primary Support – IOTW Report

Woke Talking Points Cost Gillibrand Primary Support

Progressive rhetoric loses politicians support, new study argues-

WFB: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s (D., N.Y.) campaign trail discussion of “white privilege” likely hurt her chances among voters, a new study from several prominent scholars argues.

The study—authors of which include noted political demographers George Hawley and Eric Kaufmann—found that the New York senator’s explicit allusion to the protective power of her son’s “whiteness” made self-identified moderates and conservatives less likely to say they would back her. While the comments earned rave reviews in the media, they reduced overall support for Gillibrand by a third in a hypothetical race.

In a surprise to the authors, exposure to the comments did not make respondents more likely to identify as conservative or to identify with other whites. Those results suggest that voters’ distaste for progressive rhetoric is, contrary to critics’ claims, decoupled from their ideology and ethnicity.

The findings serve as a cautionary tale for Democratic politicians, including presumptive 2020 nominee Joe Biden: While “woke” language choices may help with the party’s far-left base, they likely hurt among more moderate voters. read more

9 Comments on Woke Talking Points Cost Gillibrand Primary Support

  1. I watched about a total of 57 seconds of her bull shit when she was campaigning. You’d need to be brain dead not to pick up on her disingenuous blather. Every Libtard candidate is obviously disingenuous to any thinking person. But this bitch would win a Gold Metal for it in the Olies.

  2. I’ve never cast a vote for Adirondack Barbie and I never will; living in NY means I don’t have a Senator unless or until we unseat one or both of the asswipes who occupy the offices.

  3. Hillary didn’t help herself on 2016 when she said that, if elected, she’d lecture white people about their iMpLiCiT BiAs. As a rule, white people do not like to be scolded by black tace-hustlers, and we absolutely detest that shit from white Karens.


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