Woman Cyclist Cries Foul After Biological Male Wins Women’s World Championship – IOTW Report

Woman Cyclist Cries Foul After Biological Male Wins Women’s World Championship

The money-shot:

McKinnon, a professor at the College of Charleston, accused Wagner of “transphobia” for her opposition to racing against men.


DC: A woman who lost a world-championship cycling race to a biological male who identified as a transgender woman criticized the result as unfair.

Jennifer Wagner said it was “definitely NOT fair” that she was forced to compete against Rachel McKinnon, the male cyclist, in the women’s event.

McKinnon, representing Canada, won the women’s sprint 35-39 age bracket at the 2018 UCI Masters Track Cycling World Championships in Los Angeles on Sunday.

Wagner, a Houston-area doctor, took third place behind McKinnon and Dutch cyclist Carolien van Herrikhuyzen.  more here


22 Comments on Woman Cyclist Cries Foul After Biological Male Wins Women’s World Championship

  1. I’d just like to take this moment to give a big ‘shoutout’ to all the Feminazis for ruining ‘wymyn’s sports’ as we knew it … this is your future; embrace it

    … btw, Kait-man Jenner can kick all you’s asses … including Chunky O’Donnell

  2. Y’all asked for it, Cunts, now ya got it. Live with it. I don’t give a fuck about cyclists of any gender. They are a pain in the ass on the road. Fuckem! More of them should get mangled every day.

  3. Well I guess it’s time to just do away with “gender” (misnomer, should be SEX) categories.

    Women can prevail in certain kinds of dance and gymnastics, and endurance swimming. Maybe fencing. Maybe super-marathon running… And once in a while, maybe something else.

    And colleges can redirect their Title IX funding back into stuff like wrestling and other “men’s” sports that have been short-shrifted.

    I just don’t have a lot of sympathy any more.

  4. Wagner should just self-identify as The Winner.

    That’s how this works doesn’t it?

    Still waiting for that heavyweight boxing match between Mike Tyson and Rosie O’Donnell.

  5. If Wagner straps on a rubber penis then she can be as good as the he/she/it.

    I fail to see a problem here that can’t be solved with Snap-On Tools.

    I personally don’t want to hear another word about manspreading until one of these straphanging gunts has to sit with two church bells clanging between their legs all day.

    Walk a mile in my boxers before you judge, Ms. Wagner.

  6. In the immortal words of a brother who was watching at Costco as the Seahawks were getting taken apart in the Superbowl: The mothafuckn wheels is coming off mothafuckas.

    The Democrats are going to rue the day they glommed onto the transgenders as a way to add to the neverending number of disparate groups living a perpetual human tragedy they think they can exploit and consolidate into a cohesive voting block.

    What is going down right now in history is we are witnessing the contrivance they have cobbled together collapsing under its own weight. There is no cohesiveness, it is all a sham built on a farce held together with unicorn glue.

  7. When will the transfolks start joining the Lingerie Football League?
    Or the Victoria Secrets Annual Fashion Show?
    When will they destroy the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition?

    Maybe after the dust settles from this whole charade men will be able to have their own clubs again.


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