Earledreka White’s lawyer says that the video your about to see proves that the police officer “caused the confrontation.”
If by “caused the confrontation” the lawyer means that he was the one that pulled her over for a traffic infraction he’s right.
But his client’s refusal to show her driver’s license, and then calling 911 to file a claim that the officer was harassing her, was enough to get the cuffs slapped on her. Throughout the 911 call you hear Earledreka telling the officer to stop yelling at her. You cannot hear him yelling and the video shows he is calm as a cucumber.
“I would like another officer to come out here,” she tells the dispatcher. “My heart is racing. I’m really afraid.”
So, what was going to happen, in her mind, when the other officer arrived? He was going to reprimand the officer and let her on her way, or was he going to ask her for her driver’s license?
The woman is a moron.
ht/ Deer Park Dave
I dindu nuffin!
Just about what one would expect from someone named Earledreka.
But, but, she’s black and a woman…..isn’t she a protected class twice over? She doesn’t have to respond to police requests to get in the vehicle or show her license.
Traffic offenses and stupidity are to be ignored, until some one is killed or seriously injured, right?
A Double Play – A black, Didndu Nuffin Special Snowflake having a “melt”down and looking for her Safe Space.
Good luck being around rational adults, bitch.
Earlshrieka want$ $ome reparation$ because $he is above the law, you know. Obama, Sharpton, Lynch, Mosby, etc have been telling her so for years. Now hand over yhe money!
Moron – first off the guy may have just given her a warning if she was a civil polite human being. Smiling, being nice and cooperative goes a long way. But if you do get a ticket that is why there is TRAFFIC COURT. People that refuse to provide a DL should be arrested. That is what you agree to by driving. She should be charged for all the time and money wasted on dealing with her too.
Obviously the officer forgot to ask her for her official Obama Get-Out-of-Jail-Free card.
Earledreka White — Probably the last name that drives her insane. That first name is some T-bird and Lemon Juice shit too.
What exactly is an Earledreka?
If she’s a social worker. God help the people she’s helping.
She should be fired.
Why do they love Nissan vehicles so much? Seriously, look around sometime, always a negro in a Nissan. Yes, Infinity is basically Nissan.
LOL…she’s on the phone tellin the officer not to raise his voice. But you can’t hear him al all
Earledreka = Royal drek
“What exactly is an Earledreka?”
That’s Swahili for nigger
Next we’ll read about her 1 million dollar settlement !
What an assbag !
I would have loved to see her fat ass get tazed and see her flopping all over the pavement like a fish in the bottom of a boat. Great fun, indeed!
Next we’ll read about her 1 million dollar settlement !
Let’s not stereotype. Just because I drive a Nissan and like KFC doesn’t mean a damn thing!
Moron, she no moron.
She has observed her entire life exactly whom The System favors. JUST LOOK WHO’S YOUR PREZNIT !
And if there was ever a ‘squeeky wheel’ put on this earth, his name is Mooch Obama.
I have nothing to say-you people and the video says it all 🙂
First thing; if she has master’s degree, I’d like to see how she earned it. Second, this is why I could never be a policeman. 20 seconds in to this event I would have tazed her. Excellent work by the officer.
Black lives matter ?
Sure honeychile, you keep telling yourself.
Clearly she doesn’t want to recognize the officer’s authority
Her Pride goeth before her takedown
Obviously this woman is playing with an empty deck, except for a race card.
Earl e dreka dreka dreka
Earl e dreka dreka dreka
nah, the original is better
I’m thinking her mother liked the name Frederika, only with Earle. Maybe she has sisters. Clydedreka, Damondreka, Wallydreka. I knew a woman named Walterine. Yes, she was.
Whoops, that was me.
“…she has a master’s degree in psychology,”
No doubt using it to game the system.
“White said she is worried about her career because a conviction, even on a misdemeanor, could affect her professional licensing as a counselor.”
We can only hope. She isn’t fit to counsel. One rule I have about caring for others – they have to care more than I do about the potential consequences of their behavior.
“I have nothing to say-you people and the video says it all”
– calif. Ray
One of those Rorschach sentences you can take any way you want.
I guess if I filibuster and drag things out the cop will give up and go away?