Woman has her hijab on incorrectly, so this guy flips out – IOTW Report

Woman has her hijab on incorrectly, so this guy flips out

h/t Snowball the Sourpuss.


25 Comments on Woman has her hijab on incorrectly, so this guy flips out

  1. That whore will arouse some man with her non-invisible hair! Arousing men is wrong! Therefore she must be raped for their own good!

  2. ‘Y-you stupid bitch! Stop showing off your lovely locks! If I see even so much as ONE strand of a female hair I will literally RAPE you and then stone you to death! Temptress! Stop making me want to rape you by NOT covering EVERY SINGLE INCH of your body! Have you no shame!??!’

  3. Women want to rule the world but they can’t keep men out of their restrooms, showers, sports, dormitories, sororities, hair coverings, and colleges just to name a few!

  4. Just pass’n thru April 16, 2019 at 7:07 am

    Such a devot muzzie man. He will get 1 extra virgin when he meets his moon dog

    Make that a goat, and a rabid one.

  5. Is there a group of people on the planet more unlikeable that Muslims? Some individuals I’ve met are OK, but taken as a group, they do not fit western culture.

    I can’t help not liking them.


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