Woman Live Streams on Facebook Cop Shooting – IOTW Report

Woman Live Streams on Facebook Cop Shooting

YouTube- A man was shot by police in Falcon Heights on Wednesday evening. In a video posted on Facebook, the man’s girlfriend says the “police shot him for no apparent reason, no reason at all.”

The girlfriend, Lavish Reynolds, started the video with the man slumped next to her, his white T-shirt soaked with blood on the left side. In the video, taken with her phone, she says they were pulled over at Larpenteur Avenue and Fry Street for a broken taillight.


25 Comments on Woman Live Streams on Facebook Cop Shooting

  1. if not him, then it would have been another. The mainstream media is right on cue and following the script. Hundreds shot in Chicago so far this month didn’t even rate a mention in the news.

  2. Well if she was married to the guy Lavish Reynolds would become a rich woman. She’s pleading with the Lord and all the officer could say is FUCK. Well, yes he’s FUCKED alrighty.

  3. This video strikes me as odd. The girlfriend is sitting there as calm as a news anchor while she’s got her boyfriend bleeding out besides her?

    I await the next dispatch on this story.

  4. Yeah, 4th of July weekend was far deadlier in Sh*tcago than it was in Baghdad, Mosul or Kabul.

    I guess maybe if we want to eliminate gang violence, we just deputize the bloods, crips, latin kings and all the rest. Then, “the community” won’t tolerate that sh*t no more!!

  5. All this will be verified, and needs to be, but apparently this guy had a carry permit, had held a job for many years, a clean record, and was trying to comply with the officer when he was shot.
    Funny everyone points to the behavior of the girl friend because that cop was acting pretty damn whacked.

  6. There are two sides to every story. Instead of rushing to judgment, we should wait for the police dashcam to see what happened prior to the young lady’s livestream.

    But if the officer who shot Philando is in the wrong, the prosecutors need to throw the book at him. This kind of thing is exactly what breathes life into illegitimate groups like BLM.

    I can understand the officer being full of adrenaline after a shooting, but yelling “FUCK!!” at least half a dozen times sure doesn’t help his cause.

  7. Loco, Lot’s more to come out about this however that cops a problem. He panicked as soon as he heard the word gun. He’d of shot you too on a dark rainy night with poor visibility if he heard the word gun.
    It could be this black guy is one that should have been saved.

  8. If it’s a bad shoot, it’s a bad shoot and they can whack the cop when the facts are in and the dust settles a bit. I heard, though, the subject not-so-intelligently had his docs with his gun and told the cop that. So far, so good. Been there, done that and here to tell about it, amazingly. Cop said don’t move don’t reach for it. He did, he died. Tough noogies, bad move on the perp’s part. The thing that gets me is the chick going live while the BFF bled out. I should think it’s common knowledge to apply pressure to a bleed even if you can’t stop it completely, you’ll buy some time. Cops might have stepped in there as well, dunno what the rules are there. Maybe at least tell the chick what to do and let her do it. Sounds like they had enough folks around to keep her covered. That cotton T looked delightfully dressing-like to me and had it been my wife I can tell you I wouldn’t be effin’ filmin’ her exsanguinating. Nonetheless, the chick saying ad naus that the cop shot him for a broken taillight is a bit over the top and certainly not the case here. “Whadaya mean, a broken tail light?” *Boom* Makes for a much better sound bite, though.

  9. The gal appeared calm because she had a gun pointed in her direction and her boyfriend had just been shot for moving.
    Note that once the gun pointed at her was removed her calm went away. Face it folks, when a gun is at your head, you are VERY careful as to what you do and how you act unless you are insane.
    In most states if you are a licensed carry you are legally required to inform the police of that fact, and your current carry status upon initial contact. I have seen no evidence, nor heard any statement that indicated that he had his firearm located with his documents.
    If the facts are as presented in the video, the cop needs to go down for murder, first degree. Nothing less.
    I will be honest. As an armed citizen I fear being shot by a policeman much more than any thug on the street. A cop is much more likely to be trained in the use of a firearm and much more likely to make multiple hits. On top of that, far too many of them believe the existence of a firearm is justification for deadly force.

  10. I heard he told the cop he had a firearm and was shot while reaching for his wallet. I understand he was shot in the arm.
    Firearms permit training must include some common sense measures like maybe asking the cop if you can reach for your wallet, instead of telling the cop you have a gun and then reaching for your wallet.

    On the other hand, being shot by a cop and having it videotaped is probably one of the best ways to die — if the surviving members of your family have the video evidence, and a few good lawyers (professional liars), and they win the court battle.

    Matter of fact, I might keep that in mind when I get too old to give a fuck anymore … 🙂

  11. The thing is, there JuanS, there are precious few facts on what actually happened in the vid. You are presented with a shot up dude and a whacked out chick. That will get sorted out in time. To hang the cop because the chick is repeating her victim mantra is just as unfair as clearing the guy from my hearsay. I’d source it for you but I can’t. Chick at work was editorializing out loud at work while reading from her phone. “Dumbass had his gun with his license and went for it when he told him not to. Dumbass.” Not that it should matter but she was black and doesn’t appear to buy into the BLM schtick nor do most other black folks I know.

    Now, the whacked chick in the vid was calm? Because of the gun? Doubt it, she was stunned and stoned and it just took a while for her to rev it up a bit. If that was indeed the case, i.e., gun = calm, then why wasn’t the BFF equally as calm if the stuff I hear is true? My guess is that he’d be a lot less dead right now.

    You are wrong on the concealed carry count. According to my handy dandy guide of 50 states plus DC, 11 states require to see your permit on contact with LE, 39 don’t. VT gets an N/A on that count since no permit is needed at all. I have been stopped carrying twice in the last ten yrs. Both times on a motorcycle. Once in SC (req’d) and once in GA (not). Mentioned it anyway as a courtesy. Both times got a meh. Told them where it was on my person and stayed the hell away from it. No gun trained on me but I was calm anyway and, see? No holes. Guns ain’t valium. Watch more of those POV vids of cop shootings on youtube. Don’t recall a single one calmly sitting still and getting shot. Like it or not, I was profiled and presented a low order of probability of being a problem. Your fear of a cop shooting you notwithstanding, you’ll be profiled as well and will be found to be far too short on thuggishness to be of interest. Sorry, your martyrdom lies elsewhere.

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