Woman Wielding a Skull Ax Advances On Cop – IOTW Report

Woman Wielding a Skull Ax Advances On Cop


It doesn’t go well.   —->

Video At Link

I feel for this woman, if the family is telling the truth. They say she was bipolar.

I’ve seen things. I’ve seen mania make people behave in ways they would never behave otherwise.

But, where the hell did she get a skull ax, and why wasn’t something like that off the property?

ht/ Sam S.


17 Comments on Woman Wielding a Skull Ax Advances On Cop

  1. Dang. At least it was utterly straightforward: cop backed up, told her repeatedly to get on the ground, and she kept on advancing, and advancing rapidly and menacingly and with an axe. I’m sorry he had to shoot, but he had to shoot.

  2. It’s never good when someone dies for stupid reasons. The line about the daughter saying it wasn’t her mom’s fault because she was “provoked” unfortunately means the lesson is totally lost on the next generation.

  3. A fine weapon. Excellent for throwing. Had I been intent on murder the victim would have stood no chance. The woman did not know how to use the weapon. Of course I practice with those things.
    If her family really cared about her safety you are correct in saying such a thing would not have been accessible to the lady.

  4. You are correct BigFurHat. Mania is a dangerous bi-product (pun accidentally intended) for those with manic-depressive illness. And the creative types nearly always seem to be afflicted. Check out “Touched By Fire” by Kay Jamison. It chronicles famous, creative people who suffered. I heard a story from a good friend of mine that a patient of hers was bipolar and when he came down hard off of his manic episode he took to the streets naked and killed himself. Tragic.

  5. with BiPolar you can have a different personality come out during the manic stage.

    I know someone who did. When asked, she would give a different name and it was a completely different personality. The diagnosis was Bi-Polar.

  6. Maybe if she was a musselman the cop would have willingly obliged her and let her cut his head off?

    She should have tried that “Ali Baba!” yell, first …

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Well, if Leronda was as good a person as her family claims, why wasn’t the family making sure she had her rent paid, and was taking ALL her medications for her bipolar disorder?
    So, as I see it, it wasn’t Leronda’s fault.
    It wasn’t the police officer’s fault.
    By their own admission, it was THE FAMILY’S fault.
    Cuff ’em & stuff’ em, Dano.

  8. The lefty lawyers and judges dumped
    the (often violently) insane out on the
    streets back in the 70’s. They were
    supposed to go into state funded residential,
    community care homes. The state governors
    snatched the money to pay for pet, buy votes
    projects and left the mentally ill to go hang.
    You see the results here.

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