Woman Would Like To Find Jake – IOTW Report

Woman Would Like To Find Jake

(NEWSER) – A Washington state woman found her butterfly windchime missing Friday—and a heartbreaking note at her door. “I am sorry that we stole your windchimes our mom died and liked butterflies so my sister took it and put it by our window I am sorry this is only money I have please do not be mad at us,” wrote a boy who signed his name only as “Jake.” He included a $5 bill with the note. The woman, Chrissy Marie, tells Q13 Fox News she’s not angry with Jake, but wants to find him to give him his money back—and another butterfly windchime, so both children can have one.

She’s putting the word out to local news outlets and has even started a Facebook group aimed at finding Jake, although she’s a bit concerned the attention will embarrass him. But, she says, she lost her own mom at a young age, so she knows what the kids are going through. “I wanted to cry,” she says. “I’m not condoning the stealing part, but he did try to do right.” She adds to KING5, “I lost my mom when I was five and my dad just almost six years ago. It’s just hard at any age. People grieve in different ways.”


So the wind chimes will remind them of their mother and not remind them of the theft?

12 Comments on Woman Would Like To Find Jake

  1. Gee, I wonder who she voted for last November?

    Why doesn’t she honor the memory of Jake’s mother by bringing a nice Syrian muslime family into her home?

  2. Jake’s SISTER stole the chimes. He just tried to make it right by letting his sister have the chimes and paying the lady for her loss. I get it, some people just don’t.

  3. Compassionate? Maybe, but definitely the wrong lesson. Just because you want something and can’t afford it doesn’t give you the right to take someone else’s property. Return the $5 in exchange for your wind chime and a good talking to by rhe police.

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