“Women Drivers”- Heh, This Lady Done Good – IOTW Report

“Women Drivers”- Heh, This Lady Done Good

17 Comments on “Women Drivers”- Heh, This Lady Done Good

  1. Well done!
    Now get out there, get the other driver’s insurance info, then beat him/her/it to a bloody pulp.

  2. I damn near was T boned yesterday at a 4 way stop by a jackass who blew thru the intersection at 35-40 mph who didn’t even look. The other car and I and going east both had a lot of choice swear words for that bastard. He could’ve killed or seriously injured either one of us if we had crossed that intersection a second or two earlier. I hate jackass drivers who don’t give a shit about anyone else but themselves.

  3. It’s still going to be a big inconvenience for her; insurance, cop report, maybe court, repair hassles, etc.
    Was the other driver a woman? An illegal?

  4. Probably more like dumb A__ luck. Most people haven’t gone out an pressed a vehicle to it’s limit to be good at avoidance. Just a light brake and she could have avoided the whole thing.
    I remember my Dad had stickers all over the car that said, “80% of all accident happen 20 or less from home”.
    What it didn’t say is, most people don’t drive more than 20 miles from home.

  5. I don’t think she’s Asian…My guess is she’s a religious conservative who keeps calm and shows little fear…she singlehandedly destroyed an old stereotype.

  6. Further to what Tim Buktu posted, my parents insisted that I take and pay for a ‘defensive driving” class back in 1968 (age 16). As well, the father of my daughter (not a very responsible guy) was excellent at driving and taught car control schools, evasive manuevers for the RCMP in Canada and drove in car commercials. I learned a lot for him and he did make me a mother, so some good came from the relationship.

  7. That guy “pitted” himself. Unsafe lane change, $100.00. Insurance surcharges, seven years. Video memorializing the the stupidity of the offender, priceless.


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