Women Have Suffraged Enough – IOTW Report

Women Have Suffraged Enough

24 Comments on Women Have Suffraged Enough

  1. I’m often reminded of the Music Man’s take on wimmens.

    Pick a little, talk a little, pick a little, talk a little, cheep cheep cheep
    pick a lot, pick a little more…

    Mindless chatter with no regard for the world around them

  2. I will not sign any petitions anywhere; these pests park themselves at the entrance to Walmart and are annoying as all get out. I walk around them, ignore them and don’t make eye contact with them. Trader Joe’s does not allow these jerks to petition in front of the TJ’s that I shop at which is a good thing.

  3. Of all the liberals I have encountered in my adult life I’d have to say the greater majority of them were female, the males were usually emasculated by their liberal wife, or were gay!

  4. sad our society has degraded the sanctity of motherhood. when they begin the draft for women, it will be difficult to find any semblance of motherhood. dissolving the gender differences is the goal. young men are increasingly seeking alternatives to fill the void. the trans movement is an example of how men think a woman should act, which is totally wrong on so many levels. particularly the degrading sexualization of women and imprinting male children to treat women as inventory for pleasure and female children to sexually act out. the trans activitys short circuit motherhood. so few women who can compete physically with a man, todays young women are hard pressed to offer any benefit to society short of physical pleasure (porn is prolific). motherhood is a womans innate behavior and motherhood should be protected at all costs. vid is a spoof on women, mature men have all seen in women. young women are getting hit very hard by society right now. the message from society is “spread those pins and do your job”, not a great esteem builder for the mothers of our country.

  5. It all came to me one election day. It was on a warm California afternoon, and
    I had ridden down into the Valley of the Moon from the ranch to the little
    village to vote Yes and No to a host of proposed amendments to the
    Constitution of the State of California. Because of the warmth of the day I had
    had several drinks before casting my ballot, and divers drinks after casting it.
    Then I had ridden up through the vine-clad hills and rolling pastures of the
    ranch, and arrived at the farm-house in time for another drink and supper.
    “How did you vote on the suffrage amendment?” Charmian asked.
    “I voted for it.”
    She uttered an exclamation of surprise. For, be it known, in my younger days,
    despite my ardent democracy, I had been opposed to woman suffrage.


  6. Men were too embarrassed to state that the argument against giving women the vote was that women are irrational 4 days out of every 28. Gentleman never discussed such things.


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