Women NEVER Do This! – IOTW Report

Women NEVER Do This!


h/t Jason

24 Comments on Women NEVER Do This!

  1. I just read about the first joke in recorded history. Really – from around 1900 BC, inscribed on a Sumerian tablet:
    ‘Something which has never occurred since time immemorial: A young woman did not fart in her husband’s lap.’
    Not suggesting that it is funny… đŸ™‚

  2. I’ve said it before… Fart jokes are how to separate the trans wimmen from the real women. If you can’t quite tell, tell a fart joke. If s/he laughs out loud, it’s a dude.

    Real women poot perfume and we might actually think your fart jokes are funny but we’ll never laugh out loud at them because it encourages you to tell more –which you will do at exactly the wrong time in precisely the wrong company.

  3. I am gassed at this type of content.

    first lesson of turning 50: never trust a fart

    when you are over 50, you got your one cheek sneak, the particle fart, the particle fart with a side of gravy, the trombone, the foghorn and the turtle burp.

  4. I remember when Rush talked about farding as a gag on his radio program years ago. Farding is the act of applying makeup to one’s face and people who were listening thought he said farting. It was one of Rush’s best gags and hilarious moments on the radio ever. I miss Rush, Bo Snerdley, needs to get Mark Steyn to be Rush’s permanent replacement, please make it so.

  5. I can never make it through a funeral without a potential fit of giggles.
    When the officiant gets to the part where they say..”From ashes, to ashes. From dust, to dust”, I am reminded of a “poem” my mom used to say
    “From ashes to ashes.
    From dust to dust.
    If it wasn’t for my rectum, my belly would bust.”

    More room out than in, so let ‘er rip.

  6. @ MissInMi MARCH 7, 2023 AT 12:12 PM

    VERY unhealthy to keep it in all the time. But I understand the not trusting them part. I like to think I can tell them apart.

    Mostly I’m correct. I often regret if I’ve taken anything resembling a laxative. (Chinese dieter’s tea, magnesium, etc.)


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