Wonder What the Perp Looked Like? – IOTW Report

Wonder What the Perp Looked Like?

I’m sorry if the title seems racist. Ann Coulter is right. If they don’t mention the color that means they are not white.

Why does the media do this? It’s not helping, it’s hurting.

Lara Logan explains –

20 Comments on Wonder What the Perp Looked Like?

  1. Wait a minute, this was a business class, when a certain element of society gets everything for free by going to stores and stealing, who needs a business education?

    No, the student will not be held accountable but the school district must be. Sue the shit out of them.

    And why is a 75 year old still working anyway, are teachers pensions that paltry?

  2. This isn’t making a lot of sense. The victim presses the charges not the district. It’s not up to them. He should have executed a citizens arrest. Maybe someone with some LE experience can fill in the blanks. I don’t get it. Unless those cops just refused to do their job. If that’s the case he should be getting rich.

  3. Check out how this works for Perry Meridian High School:

    College Readiness index: 23.5 out of 100.

    Math proficient: 24%
    Reading proficient: 65%
    Science proficient: 33%

    You think the proficiency scores are low? Well, they’re actually higher than the state AND district average!

    Minority exam proficiency: 32.4%
    White proficiency: 53.1%

    Only 33% of students took a college entry exam. 70% of that 33% passed at least one exam. Overall exam pass rate is 50%.

    You must be wondering, “Golly, ecp, I bet there aren’t many graduates at this school.” Pffffffttt! 95% graduation rate!! (Higher than the state median).

    Kids need to be told NO, YOU SUCK. Hell, the MAJORITY can’t Math or Science, and one third can’t even read! Instead they are awarded and passed right on through to become someone else’s problem.

  4. And China sits back, bides it’s time, and laughs at how easy the take over will be. American kids; soft, fat, lazy, stupid, um-motivated, and easily controlled.
    The take over won’t require firing a shot. Of course this assumes that with open borders, worthless currency, and morons running things here, that America is even worth taking over.

  5. @Rich

    I think you are correct sir.

    In China’s long-range plans Taiwan might be just a sideshow, with the US being the big prize. Grab US markets for China – autos, foodstuffs, machined goods, medicines, clothing, you name it. China will get to be the number one power in the world because we let it happen.

    Here is a very weird scenario – with Chinese businessmen buying so many acres of US farmland, what’s to stop them from buying an entire state, say for example, Wyoming, a medium sized state with a low population? OK, so China buys Wyoming and installs a communist government to run it. A Biden type of President might work out a deal for the right amount of cash and a promise to leave the rest of the US alone – a promise ripe to be broken.

    And the Chinese could get the UN, the WEF, The World Court, The World Bank – and other slimebugs to change international law to allow such a thing to happen.

    China buys or controls US states. Anything left of the US becomes a vassal state of China. Similar things have happened throughout history. Who is to say they can’t happen again?

    OK, off with the tin foil hat…that’s enough ranting. But I still think 2024 is the year China will make its move on Taiwsn.

  6. A DJ “Boss Jock” said the same thing 28 years ago Robert W. Morgan RIP

    FAKE NEWS has been here at least 70 years. Had you paid attention you knew Morgan was denigrated because repointed out Press “memory hong” “Some” race info.

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