Workers File Complaints Alleging Grocers Union Trying to Coerce Dues Money – IOTW Report

Workers File Complaints Alleging Grocers Union Trying to Coerce Dues Money


Workers across the country are filing federal complaints alleging that an influential union is trying to coerce dues money while ignoring federal law.

Three workers represented by United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) have accused their local unions of ignoring their requests for financial information; two have further accused labor officials of thwarting their attempts to resign membership. The workers are dissenting employees seeking to pay partial dues known as agency fees that cover expenses for representation, but allow them to abstain from financing the group’s political activities. The complaints allege that union leaders in California, New York, and Oregon are breaking the mandates established by the Supreme Court in 1988’s Beck v. Communication Workers of America, which requires labor groups to provide employees with detailed breakdowns of union budget to ensure that their money is being properly spent.

All three workers have filed unfair labor practice complaints to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), the top federal labor arbiter overseeing union elections and workplace disputes. The latest charge was filed against the New York-based UFCW Local 2013 on Thursday. The woman says the union has failed to address her October 2018 request to cut off her membership and become an agency fee payer.

“Charging party resigned her union membership and objected to pay the full equivalent of full dues,” the complaint says. “The union has failed to respond to her letter by providing her with the requisite audit breakdown it is required to perform upon an employee resigning his membership and objecting to paying the equivalent of full dues.”

That charge echoed recent complaints filed against UFCW Local 5 of California and Local 555 of Oregon. Neither the local unions, nor the national UFCW responded to requests for comment about the allegations and disclosure policies. read more

3 Comments on Workers File Complaints Alleging Grocers Union Trying to Coerce Dues Money

  1. …I know about the UFCW on a couple of different levels. One, they organized most of the Kroger stores in the area, which probably explains why they are always out of everything, and I have freinds and family that work there. The union doesn’t even PRETEND they will do anything for them for the first six years (but takes dues all the while), and after that, they CONTINUE to not do anything for them, but they WILL put on a show as though they ARE. Their pay stinks and their vacations are short, but at least they give another layer of management some of their scanty paycheck.

    The other is that they tried to organize my plant, mostly concentrating on the foreigners. All I ever really saw of them was their Obama shirts (this was during the fraud’s first term), and the fact that they sometimes had SEIU workers with them at the driveways told me all I needed to know. They did lie about what union cards meant and wouldn’t engage on what I knew about their Kroger’s debacle, but they were an utter failure because even Muslims don’t want to give up part of their paycheck for nothing.

    Plus which, if they had organized it on a Monday it would have shut down on a Tuesday and start to move to Texas by Wednesday, but that’s not specific to UFCW. A lot of the guys I work with were in unions elsewhere, and they ALL came from places that shut DOWN over unions, so there’s that…

    …the only function of a union is to act as another layer of management that takes your money and gives it to Democrats whether you want them to or not. I’ve never been able to discover what ELSE they do, except maybe make it impossible for people to learn a new skill because that would screw up their featherbedding, although they are good at making plants move…


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