Worst Movies of All-Time? – IOTW Report

Worst Movies of All-Time?

I think the golden age of movie making was the 60s and the 70s.

Sadly, I haven’t seen a new movie release in almost a decade, so I am a bad judge of the current best or worst movies.

Rotten Tomatoes released a list of their picks.

How many have you seen? Do you concur? Do you have your own picks for the worst?

(Just so you know, if a movie gets pig-piled in the comments as “the worst” I will probably look for it and watch it, out of curiosity.



Jaws: The Revenge– the film follows a now-widowed Ellen Brody, who is convinced that a great white shark is seeking revenge against her family, even following them to the Bahamas.

Mac And Me – is the story of an alien named Mac (Mysterious Alien Creature), who escapes from a NASA facility and befriends a boy in a wheelchair

Bolero – basically Bo Derek naked

Return To The Blue Lagoon – basically young actors naked

Madhouse – The film follows a stockbroker and his television reporter wife as they live the California dream. However, their lives are turned upside down when they are faced with a number of unwanted house guests.

Dream A Little Dream – follows an elderly couple who end up in the bodies of two high school students

The Slugger’s Wife – The 1985 film tells the story of a baseball player who falls in love with a singer

Staying Alive – A sequel to Saturday Night Fever

Police Academy 4: Citizens On Patrol – nuff said

Precious Cargo – the movie follows Bruce Willis as Eddie Filosa, who convinces a crime boss to steal diamonds from another game in exchange for a woman.

Highlander II: The Quickening – Sequels seem to usually suck

Pinocchio –  things took a turn for the worst when Benigni starred in the live-action Pinocchio in 2002

The Bad News Bears Go To Japan – sequel!

Dark Tide -a marine biologist struggling to stay in business after a few of her crew are eaten by sharks

American Anthem – Mitchell Gaylord played Steve Tevere, an ex-football star who gives up gymnastics to work as a motorcycle mechanic.

Gotti – John Travolta as Gotti. lol

The Ridiculous 6 – The film follows six strangers coming together in the Wild West after discovering they have the same father and wanting to find him.

Bucky Larson: Born To Be A Star – a small-town bag boy named Bucky Larson who discovers his parents were famous adult film stars in the 70s. He decides to move to California to follow in his parent’s footsteps to be the next big star.

Fred: The Movie The film tells the story of Fred who is infatuated with his neighbor Judy, and when she moves away, he embarks on a journey to go find her and sing a duet together.

The Garbage Pail Kids Movie – The film features seven of the Garbage Pail Kids who befriend a regular boy and try to assimilate into human society. 

The Master Of Disguise – The film is about a goofy waiter who must defeat a criminal mastermind with his inherited powers of disguise.

Daddy Day Camp – Sequel!

Jack And Jill – “I’m not saying we should take Pacino’s Oscar away from him because of this movie. I’m just saying that’s a conversation I’m willing to have.”

Return Of The Living Dead II  – Sequel!

Problem Child – A couple’s life is turned upside down after adopting a mischievous young boy

Folks! – The film is about a successful stockbroker (Selleck) who has it all with a great wife and kids. Later, he must take care of his elderly parents

Look Who’s Talking Now – talking dogs

A Low Down Dirty Shame – a private detective who is on the lookout for the millions of dollars stolen by a notorious criminal. 

Wagons East –  was the last film John Candy worked on before he passed away from a heart attack

Shadow Conspiracy – an advisor who is hunted down by an unknown assailant and must get help from Chief-of-Staff

Troll 2 – sequel!

Exorcist II: The Heretic – ^^^

Caligula – porn

The Apple – science fiction musical comedy based on The Bible.

Ishtar – I knew this would be on list. The movie really isn’t that bad.

Hobgoblins – small demon-like creatures

Parting Shots – who cares what the rest are about??

Epic Movie

The Last Airbender 

CatsBallistic: Ecks Vs. Sever

A Thousand Words

Dark Crimes

3 Strikes

Cabin Fever


Highlander 2: The Quickening 

Max Steel

Simon Sez

Baby Geniuses

There are more…

I saw exactly ONE of these movies. Hmmm, who can guess?

87 Comments on Worst Movies of All-Time?

  1. City of Angels with Meg Ryan and Nicklaus Cage, 1998. The ending is so damn depressing that it makes me angry that I watched the whole thing-for that. It might be a good movie but the ending is unforgivable.

  2. Valley Of The Dolls, the worst piece of crap movie as well as most depressing that I ever saw. My friend who saw it with me got into big trouble with his staunch Catholic father after he found out he’d seen this movie. Second would have to be Deliverance just because. “Bend over and squeal like a pig.”

  3. Some of the worst movies of the 60’s 70’s and 80’s are classics now. And then there are movies that just plain suck. For example: “Switchblade Sisters” was terrible. The only reason I sat through it was because Robbie Lee was just so damn adorable back then.

  4. Any movie remake that casts persons of color in the traditional role or a woman just to impress the new “woke” standard.

    ghost busters or captain marvel? Hundreds of others…

  5. I haven’t seen any that you listed but didn’t go to the site to check out the rest. I’m so pissed off at the pompous shitweasels in Hollywood that I just don’t watch movies anymore. The last movie I saw was one I took my grandkids to see. Something about people wandering around a museum at night.

  6. Cabin Fever needs the qualifier ‘the remake’. The original is an Eli Roth movie and is one of the best horror, comedy cult classics. This made no sense to remake – original was in 2002, remake 2016. They didn’t even update it with a rainbow cast – just an attempt to make a quick buck and failed miserably.

  7. Wild Hogs isn’t on the list?

    “It’s her daughter I feel sorry for,” Gervais continued. “That must be the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to her — and her dad was in ‘Wild Hogs.”

  8. Uncle Al ʘ
    APRIL 20, 2021 AT 8:06 AM
    “@BFH — Regarding my comment at 7:39 AM, I suppose you saying it wasn’t that bad could also be a good argument that you HAVEN’T seen the movie.”

    …NOBODY has seen ALL of “Ishtar”.

    …it’s just too boring…

  9. I forget the name but it’s the horror movie where a vegetable and a whore run for office, get “elected” and then proceed to destroy our country.

    Oh yeah, I think it’s called Mr Potato Head and the Half Breed Ho Go to Washington.

    I can honestly say I haven’t seen any on the list, thank God. The crap Hollyweird churns out nowadays is garbage. It’s intended to continue the dumbing down of the masses so they can be more easily controlled, you know, like the public service announcements about Covid.

  10. “The Dark Tower” movie. Put a Black character in for one the book made clear was White, removed a problematic Black character completely, and used NONE of the story from the book, but went off in a totally different and stupid direction that used nothing from the book but the names.

    …in other words, par for the course for a Stephen King adaptation.

    Only 3 of those DIDN’T suck.

    1) The Shining. Not faithful to the book, but Jack Nicholson and Shelly Duvall saved it.
    2) The Shawshank Redemption. Made a character named “RED” for his red hair into a Black man because, woke, but still made a good movie.
    3) Misery. Almost a PERFECT adaptation and Kathy Bates played the OCD, obsessed, psycho fangirl nurse to perfection, so a decent movie even though they screwed the ending up for no reason.

    …I don’t watch movies from THIS century mostly, but even with the older ones, “Based on the Novel By Stephen King” = don’t waste your time even if you LIKED the book…

  11. The Creeping Terror

    Most Amateurish movie I ever saw. Its a horror flick from the 50s. Looks like it was shot on a 99 cent budget

    The monster in this thing is supposedly a blob like creature. At one point it strikes at a teenager. You can liyerslly see a pair of arms pulling the victim into the blob

  12. burner
    APRIL 20, 2021 AT 8:59 AM

    …how can you NOT like a movie with a guy who jumps into the throat of a flying shark with a chainsaw and disappears for a half-hour, only to cut his way out a half-hour later after it crashes to the earth to save the day, and emerges complete unharmed?

    …my wife HATES this movie because of how “unreal” it is…I keep telling her that it’s nor really meant to be a documentary and that Tara Reid really does NOT have a mechanical arm with chainsaw attachment, but she won’t watch them anyway…

  13. Agree with most, or I didn’t see them (thankfully)
    One strong disagreement – Folks, with Tom Selleck. I think it is one of the funniest movies ever. I was actually just looking on all my Roku channels to find it but couldn’t locate it.

  14. Sort of like sifting the septic tank to find the stinkiest turd?

    Anybody remember that Globaloney Warming movie with Dennis Quade? He explains how warming makes the world freeze, and then they set out to save some people, get the black man killed, and then everything’s OK. Dumber than dogshit.
    Can’t recall the title, but that’d be my pick. Pretentious dreck.

    izlamo delenda est …

  15. “Folks!” Really?! I laughed out loud throughout that movie. Yeah, it’s slightly dark humor, but Don Ameche and Tom Selleck make a great unlikely comedy team – very funny.

  16. LA County Stinks!
    APRIL 20, 2021 AT 9:26 AM
    “Easy Rider with Peter Fondle!”

    …what happens to Peter Fonda in the end is pretty good, though, shame it wasn’t for real and before his daughter was born…


    …for the record I am friends with many motorcycle enthusiasts, some who are in MCs, so this isn’t about motorcycle, it’s about Hollywood actors as far as I’m concerned.

    So too bad for THAT reason thus wasn’t real…

  17. My best friend and I saw Easy Rider at a theater in Berkley, Cal. in Aug. 1972 when we had hitchhiked to San Francisco from Portland. On our way hitchhiking back North in Brookings, Or. we had a our own run in with some rednecks who wanted us to get out of their town before it got dark or we would become victims of a forced haircutting party, needless to say we got the hell out of their real fast.

  18. Only movie I walked out of was That’s Entertainment.

    Just, NO! It was a date night with my future wife and we had much better options within walking distance of the theater.

  19. Hard to come up with a modern-day equal to talent like William Powell & Myrna Loy in “The Thin Man”, for instance.
    So 30’s & 40’s, maybe?
    Problem is, Hollywood has always been a cesspool, even then.

  20. …I don’t watch movies from THIS century mostly, but even with the older ones, “Based on the Novel By Stephen King” = don’t waste your time even if you LIKED the book…

    Interesting reversal; I started reading King because of seeing the movie Carrie.

    Read a lot of his works in the 80’s. Of course he’s such a giant douche I’ve wanted nothing from him for a good while now.

  21. There are a lot of stinkers that were made in the late 1950s through the early 1970s that are rarely mentioned on any list of worst movies. I think the reason for this is that many of these films were lampooned by Mystery Science Theater 3000, and MST 3000 was very funny. But no matter how presented, films like “Manos, Hands of Fate,” “Eegah,” “Santa Clause Conquers The Martians,” “Puma Man,” etc. etc. were objectively terrible and, except when featured on MST 3000, unwatchable.

    The list is also a little light on many 1980s cocaine-fueled films such as “Maximum Overdrive” – a film both based on a Stephen King story and directed by Stephen King during his cocaine days.

  22. Forrest Gump had to be one of the stupidest movies of all time.
    There was one in the 70’s that was soooo dumb, “Sheila Levine is Dead and Living in NY”.
    Pretty much every Woody Allen movie sucks.

  23. Noah movie with Russell Crowe included rock monsters. Didn’t see it, but reviews were horrible.
    Likewise recent Exodus movie with Christian Bale. Replaced burning bush with child representing God and explained blood in River Nile by giant crocodiles killing people. Again, didn’t watch. Reviews were terrible.

    One of my all time favorites was Ben Hur with Carlton Heston. I understand they even did a screwed up modern attempted remake of that.

  24. Dadof4
    APRIL 20, 2021 AT 10:25 AM

    “…Read a lot of his works in the 80’s. Of course he’s such a giant douche I’ve wanted nothing from him for a good while now.”

    …I gave up on him completely after “Under The Dome”. I don’t know what a preacher ever did to HIM, but King just can’t go a book without trashing everyone who brings the Word now like ALL preachers are bad”, plus the ending is REALLY stupid, so I was done with him then.

    …and the adaptations aren’t any BETTER if HE has control.

    I liked the short story “Maximum Overdrive” was based on, but the movie was thoroughly stupid to the point of flatulence.

    But it wasn’t the screenwriter’s fault, King had TOTAL creative control.

    …further proof that being good in ONE medium doesn’t give you skill in ANOTHER…

  25. Some movies are so absurd and silly, they are funny, e.g., Spaced Invaders where some martians, including one who talks like Jack Nicholson, attack earth in a small rural community on Halloween when the intercept a radio rebroadcast of Orion Welles WR of the Worlds.

  26. I have only seen two of the movies listed or in the comments.. that said, eXinstenZ was so terrible, I had to cease and desist 10 minutes in…. just awful!

  27. What’s wrong with Godzilla movies? The Tojo Jap Godzilla movies from the 50’s and 60’s with their cheesy special effects, rubber monsters, plastic tanks that would melt in a goopy plastic mess etc. were part of my youth back in the day on Saturday afternoons at the movie theater. And I still like Godzilla movies, the hokier the better.

  28. Stephen King makes a big deal of being from Maine, but he spends a lot of time here in Sarasota County when it’s snowy back Up North (he has a McMansion on Casey Key not far from the beach I go to).

    One day a few months ago, I saw that asshole walking around Selby Botanical Gardens. When I realized I was upwind of him, I farted in his general direction.

    I loathe Stephen King’s writing, I loathe Stephen King’s movies, I loathe Stephen King period.

  29. Thank you willysgoatgruff, I second BillY Jack, I hate that movie and the song One Tin Soldier. I never understood why Tom laughlin was such a folk hero, must’ve been the whole anti Vietnam War vibes and hippie mentality oozing from that movie. My generation, the baby boomers were suckers for that garbage.

  30. Nothing But Trouble. All-star comic cast and hot Demi Moore, but it sucked so bad I couldn’t wait to escape the theatre. If it wasn’t for the girl I was with, I have just walked out. That part went much better.

  31. I’ve never seen any mentioned except part of Forest Gump when I subbed in a school and had to show it, then I only saw part of it. Also during that time I once saw most of The Wiz with an unknown Eddie Murphy as a guard at Emerald City. that was the highlight as all the kids yelled out Thats Eddie Murphy! Bridge on River Kwai was always a favorite of mine, also 50’s classics like Big Country, Hitchcock thrillers, idk what else. I haven’t had TV in 2 and a half yrs.

  32. Manos: The Hand of Fate. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 (5 “barfs up!”)

    The ONLY thing that saved it, was MST3k! 😄

    Ditto “The Castle of Fu Man-Chu.” 😛

    And the “WINNER” of this contest, MUST be spoofed by the guys at RiffTRax!!! 😆

  33. Welcome to Good Burger,home of the good burger .. Can I take your order?

    My two kiddoes loved that movie .. so I heard that catchphrase like a bazillion times.

  34. One of the worst movies are the one that show up on Candian movie channels.

    No, I did not mix up my grammar. It, or they, is/are about a young professional woman who just divorced/broke up with her significant other so she goes back to the small town where she broke up and bumps into her high school sweetheart. That is the only story line that is approved for taxpayer funding.

    The only thing that makes them/it worth while is that most of them/it are/is made in Fort Langley which is an area we like to go to but with those/that film we can stay home.

  35. Hostel, Hostel 2, Hostel 3, The Green Inferno. Eli Roth’s “films” are nothing but torture porn. Hostel & Green Inferno are supposedly based on true events. I find that very hard to believe, as I can’t see people being that depraved. I could be wrong. On a lighter note, has anyone besides me seen “Poultrygeist”? Absolutely the worst movie of all time!

  36. I don’t watch a lot of movies and I never saw any of the movies on the list but I did lookup the number for suicide hotline after “Remains of the Day”. It had to be the most depressing thing ever filmed unless Joe Biden was ever on Jeopardy.


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