Irony Curtain was calling a college degree worthless when I went to college with him!

Our degree wasn’t worthless, because we learned a trade. Unfortunately, what’s being peddled today in most colleges is not higher learning, it’s simply political opinion packaged as elite schooling. Pretty much any partisan hack on Facebook sounds the same, whether they skipped college or they are mired in school debt. It matters little.

Our friend at Captain Capitalism has a book for parents and grandparents who have loved ones heading into their college-aged years. You should give it a read.



Aaron Clarey-

It’s about this time of year your children, or you yourself, are finishing up your first semester of college.  It has likely shattered any dreams or unrealistic expectations you had of a young adult nirvana full of partying, casual sex, intellectual equals, and intelligent professors.  No, it’s much more likely you’ve discovered college is merely High School v 2.0, but with an enormous price tag, and you have 4 more years of this BS.

But as bad as this is, it gets even worse.  For “college” is wreaking untold destruction upon the millennial generation by teaching them nothing of value, brainwashing them with lies, all while crippling them financially for the rest of their lives with student loans that just can’t be paid back.

This can all end tomorrow if loving parents, family, friends, or you yourself decide to read “Worthless.”

“Worthless” is THE vaccination against worthless degrees, unpayable student loans, indoctrinating socialist professors, and a ruined financial life.  For $12 in paperback, $5 in Kindle, or $15 in audiobook, you can inoculate yourself against a $150,000 tuition bill and 4 years of wasted youth.  It will ensure you choose the right major, invest your time and tuition dollars in a wise degree, and make sure you’re not slinging coffee at Starbucks as a “barrrrrista” when you’re 30.  Be smart.  Get this for a loved one who’s going down the path of worthless degrees, or get it for yourself if you’re not too sure of what you’re studying.  It can be found here in paperback, kindle and audio formats:



25 Comments on WORTHLESS

  1. I have two degrees, one earned in 1977, the other in 1992. Professionally, I have barely ever used anything I learned in either program. However, those degrees opened doors for me that I wouldn’t have seen opened otherwise.

    For me, worthless in practice, priceless in opportunity. Your mileage may vary. Limitations apply. Not valid in all 50 states. If eye irritation occurs, discontinue use. For external use only. Caution: contains peanuts. Consumer is responsible for all taxes. Avoid contact with moving parts.

  2. A college degree in terms of knowledge and learning is, indeed, absolutely worthless. In terms of opening career doors (as mentioned by ‘flip’), it has great value. College-degreed people are more comfortable around other college-degreed people, just as Physicists are more comfortable around other Physicists, Physicians with Physicians, &c. – hence, college-degreed people put a higher premium on college-degreed-people than non-college-degreed people – and hire and promote, accordingly.

    It may be an inaccurate narrative, but it is true, nonetheless.

    I ran into a “Human Resources” college-degreed woman who didn’t know what “Thermal-Hydraulics” meant. Pretty fukkin amazing, but there it is.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. After my first semester in a small and wicked tough engineering school-a semester that cost me $1000 that I partially earned by working every fucking minute I wasn’t studying, I said, yaknow what MM? You’ve been in school since you were 5, lets see what’s out there.

    I loaded up my Buick, left a very happy to see me go mom and went west. Best thing I ever did.

  4. My 2 year degree from IIT Tech
    in electronic technologies served me
    well.4 hours of night school 5 days
    a week after 10 hours on a construction site.
    Cost me 26K back in ’88 at 8% interest.
    Not that painful.I had a passion for electronics
    since ’68 at the age of 14 so school was fun and I ate
    it up.Made the National Vocational Honor Society.

  5. It amazes me that there are people out there who have college degrees and they can’t balance a checkbook, write in cursive and know who the vice president and who their senators are.

  6. My 4-year degree was intended to prepare me for a counseling position with a missionary organization. I specialized in young adults. As I was closing out my final year, I decided that I didn’t want to beg for my wages the rest of my life (I would have had to raise my own support).

    But, my degree did serve me well in most all of my working life – I have been working in management, Counseling young adults is no different that managing employees.

  7. Tim is right except, One guy I went to highschool with also got a degree in engineering (barely he said) but he had this animal instinct for buying storage unites and junk rental houses and he has, at age 60, rental income over $1,100,000 and has never borrowed any money. His degree really had nothing to do with it. My success is pretty similar in that I really question whether my degree in Finance contributed to it or not.

  8. Years ago I attended college at Western Washington in Bellingham (Little Moscow of the NW) but I lived at Fairhaven College just in its third year of existence. Fairhaven was an experiment in social control and political brainwashing. The professors were tops in their field and the students (my older brother included), recruited for their “leadership qualities”, had no idea what was being done to them. Fairhaven was the laboratory for policies at Evergreen State College which had been established one year earlier. Neither school had grades and Evergreen became (and still is) a hotbed for leftist political activities and environmental activism. Both of these colleges were the brainchild of then governor Dan Evans, a liberal establishment republican. (He later served as the president of Evergreen, then in the U.S. Senate.) Many experiments/polices at these two schools were instituted at universities across the country until nowdays when you have brainwashed idiots running the country and most of its institutions.

  9. Third Degree burns of idealogy.
    What’s the frequency, Kenneth.
    When all Snowflake Atoms
    Vibrate at the same speed.
    It tends to get hot, hot, hot.
    Don’t Touch, you’ll get burned.
    We weren’t touted a Degree to learn that.
    The stove taught us.

    What do you call a Doctor that graduated last in his class? Doctor.
    Lessons of Life.

    Hey BFH What’s under that tree?

  10. I spent 2 less-than-productive years in junior college to no fruition. I subsequently learned a trade, and now hold 4 state licenses and a career position with a prestigious state agency. And 0 student loan debt.

  11. So, the two of you went to trade school instead of college?>>

    No, we went to art college and learned a trade.
    We honed our skills as manual laborers. We learned a skill set, which had equity in the labor market.

    We are illustrators.

  12. I went to a science and engineering college and only worked a few years in my chosen field. The college was hard, lots of study, I did average. It taught me how to work hard, not to expect people to cater to my laziness, accept my failures, really had my first experience with ass kissers. I also had a roommate that ended up working for NASA for the last 30 years, if you looked up “study” in the dictionary his picture was shown. The education has never ceased working for me but I would not say the same about every college or major. If you have to work your ass off and learn something that most people don’t have the work ethic to do, your education will pay off. That whole working your ass off part of my college experience pays off in all other fields.

    My daughters boyfriend looked for college that had easy math. My wife asked me what I was getting him for Christmas. I looked her in the eye and told her he should just be thankful I don’t choke the shit out of him.

  13. I didn’t go to college because I was too stupid, kids were taking something called an SAT.
    I still am not sure what that is.
    I am very good looking so I ended up marrying into a wealthy family. I didn’t have to work anymore but I did. I worked when I felt like it as an electrician. My wife is a doctor.
    So some people don’t need a degree.

  14. Like flip, a college degree opened doors that would have remained closed. I majored in a STEM type degree, so I didn’t have to deal with too many Liberal Arts profs, so other than the work load, college was OK. I do recall most of us in the same major took the same electives, so a Lib would have been wasting his time on us. You just can’t screw with a logical mind by peddling tripe.

  15. I’ve always said that other learning a profession – i.e. a trade that requires some sort of license from the Gummint, a college education is not needed.

    Professions include, but are not limited to:

    Otherwise, you are better off sending your kid to a trade school or at the most, a community college. Down here in my redneck of the woods, there are plenty of high-paying jobs available for welders, electricians, etc.

    The most successful people I have seen in life personally are the ones who did at least 2-4 years in the military, got out, got an education or learned a trade. They had their shit together, knew their goals and were laser-focused to achieve them.

  16. What does irony curtain do?
    Is he a graphic artist?
    If I remember correctly Hippie Critic is or was a teacher in Ohio
    You all went to art school together if memory serves.
    Does this include pinko?
    Never was sure if he was part of the group
    Also how is Oleg doing?

  17. I started to go to school to be a male nurse (rare as hens teeth back then), but found I didn’t have the stomach for the smells. Then I went to a two year tech school to get my AAS in Electronics. Best choice ever.

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