Would Be Armed Robber Turned Into Squealing Baby In Half A Second – IOTW Report

Would Be Armed Robber Turned Into Squealing Baby In Half A Second


A new video from San Leandro California shows the moment two armed robbers run up to a man walking next to his vehicle.

The man who was attacked was allegedly a former Navy Seal and his reaction was priceless.

He managed to defend himself from the two black males who were carrying a gun, and not only that, but he managed to bodyslam one of them to the ground.

While he pinned the man/teen down the other robber says “let him go.” More

21 Comments on Would Be Armed Robber Turned Into Squealing Baby In Half A Second

  1. “but what a quick dynamic action to thwart 2 criminals.”

    This time, but since he let the two thugs go, their next victim will probably get shot in the process. At least hold them until the cops get there. Better yet, since the courts won’t do shit, beat the snot out of him.

  2. The feel good video of the year.

    Hopefully these two little thugs-in-training learned a valuable lesson….yeah, well, I can hope, but I aint holding my breath.

  3. Loved it, but in the end he didn’t do anything. F*** the cops, they wouldn’t have done anything. Should have bent back a couple of fingers till they snapped. At the very least, he woouldn’t be able to hold a gun for a few weeks.

  4. The man could have done what would be a completely natural and just thing, but the full force of the U.S. government and a communist media would have come down on him like nothing seen since the guy who offed Trayvon Martin. He would be utterly destroyed. You know it, I know it.

  5. Is the chunky would be accomplice to the failed armed robber a male or female? The voice was kinda high pitched for a male. The nerve of Mr./Ms. Chunky to demand the for the guy to “let him go”. The skinnie was lucky that he didn’t get curb stomped.


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