Would you eat chicken nuggets that were cultivated in a lab? – IOTW Report

Would you eat chicken nuggets that were cultivated in a lab?

FOX: A Bay Area food-technology startup says it has successfully developed the world’s first chicken strip grown from self-reproducing cells without so much as ruffling a feather.

And it pretty much tastes like chicken, according to people who were offered samples Tuesday in San Francisco, before a planned big reveal on Wednesday by Memphis Meats Inc.

Scientists, startups and animal-welfare activists believe the new product could help to revolutionize the roughly $200 billion U.S. meat industry. Their goal: Replace billions of cattle, hogs and chickens with animal meat they say can be grown more efficiently and humanely in stainless steel bioreactor tanks.  read more

26 Comments on Would you eat chicken nuggets that were cultivated in a lab?

  1. only if they allow me to make as many clones of myself as I like. I think 2 should be enough, maybe 3. No more than 6, for sure, because then that’s just too much awesome to let run around loose. But sure, let me make some clones of myself and I’ll try your lab grown chicken nuggets.

  2. Brad- We’ll all have beer so no worries there. It’s the clone that’s not drinkin’ that you have to watch out for, he carries a sharpie and likes drawing on drunks that pass out.

  3. Hey Fellows, have you heard the news?

    Some TV magic occurred.
    An APROPOS Monkeydoo.
    Rachel McMannity.
    Nobody heard?
    …ain’t talkin about returns.
    No sir.

    …to be continued

  4. It’s happened, and nearly nobody noticed
    Just another sign
    Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-Paterson, NJ)
    Addresses Rachel Mannity as Sir. 4U

    Actually, more than Nobody noticed
    7 other versions found are edited or missing that segment

    Rachel Mannity Show 03-15-2017
    Thank You Sir! uh… M’am.
    “I answer to both” Quoth the Shadow

    Warning: Entire Epicsode 61 min – Uploaded by TheNews4


    …skip to 44m00s for the magic salutation adieus

    h/t TheNews4 uploader

  5. Have you ever eaten the meat on a stick
    off the grill in a Korean shoju tent?
    Put it on a stick and burn it, I’ll eat
    it baby!!
    I really never asked what was in the burritos
    when I bought them from the carts in San Juan
    either. Sometimes you don’t wanna know.

  6. “Self replicating cells”? Where have I heard that before? Oh that’s right– cancer. Cancer is self replicating cells. So this company figured out a way to turn chicken muscle cells into cancer and wants people to put that in their bodies? I think I’ll pass.

  7. This brings to mind a famous quotation from Marilyn Monroe going back into the 1950’s.

    After eating at a Manhattan deli after a performance, she wondered aloud what they did with the rest of the matzoh.

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