Would YOU Hire A Pastor If He Already Had Nearly $100K In Debt? – IOTW Report

Would YOU Hire A Pastor If He Already Had Nearly $100K In Debt?

Wintery Knight – Here’s an interesting editorial from a “Christian” left blog. (H/T Acton Institute)

The author, Tad Hopp is graduating a PCUSA seminary – an extremely liberal, left-wing denomination.

He writes:

I graduated college in 2007.

- I majored in English, not exactly what most people consider a ‘marketable’ or ‘practical’ degree…

- I went to a somewhat expensive private school…

- I did what many students in their last year of high school do: I went to the school where I felt I was being called…

- I do not regret my four years at my undergraduate institution one bit.

- When I graduated college, I owed nearly $50,000 in student loan debt and was unemployed for almost six months before I finally found a low-paying office job.

Read the rest of the sob story here.

h/t Debt-Be-Gone

20 Comments on Would YOU Hire A Pastor If He Already Had Nearly $100K In Debt?

  1. He could easily become a union gov’t teacher in a gov’t school. You don’t even have to know English to get a job there, and you can make many tens of thousands a dollar per year above any equivalent job in the private sector. Very liberal perks, pension, paid time off and extended vacays every year!

  2. @AbigailAdams – I know you didn’t mean it this way, but…Please don’t give him any ideas!!!1! He’s the last sort of person I’d want to see conditioning / brainwashing / indoctrinating children. It would be equivalent to filling their brains with formaldehyde and demonic possession.

  3. A huge part of your relationship with God is personal responsibility. Not only is this guy not showing any, he is complaining about it. I don’t think he could possibly send the right message, nor could he be relied on to do the work required to grow his flock.

  4. My $40,000 BS psych/soc degree from a 4 year state University in 1992 has never gotten me a job. My $10,000 associates degree from a community college as an RN has recruiters calling about once a month.

    Go figure.


  5. No. That answer is no.
    Not because of the debt.
    I think it was the path of least work that led him here.
    But I am not disposed to charging the Lord for my time, so I have a bias.

  6. Sure I’d hire him. Broke ass mofo can earn 100K swinging a pickax in my back 40.

    Thinking of putting in a one hole golf course. That should keep him busy for a while.

  7. I’ve got an ex-friend that I met in college. He was probably insane then but was wicked smart and fun to hang around with…..Long story, long, story, long story….He got clean and sober through AA and found god there…still insane though….He once told me he didn’t need a phone anymore to talk to me….Long story, another long story, and another….Finance guy, scams, law suits, bankruptcy a few times….

    I recently heard that he went to an online type seminary. Married a senior management type hospital nurse and is a Pastor for that same hospital….The hospitalized old folks property and pensions will certainly suffer….

    Never trust a man/woman of God that has significant debt and wants to preach to you….

  8. He could recoup all the money he spent at that worthless liberal seminary (cemetery) by becoming a phoney, balpney prosperity gospel preacher like Joel Osteen. And I doubt seriously that he was ever introduced to the true God of the Bible at that seminary except to see Jesus as some kind of majestic social justice warrior. I wouldn’t want him as a Pastor, no way in Hell.

  9. GFY Tad. I went to a highly regarded engineering college, decided it wasn’t what I wanted to do and thought it ridiculous to pay for it, so I quit.

    I took other jobs and learned on the job and am now working as an engineer, unlicensed of course, and doing very well. You paid for your worthless degrees, it is not my problem to figure out how you pay for them. And it is not my job TO pay for them.

    So again, GFY Tad.

  10. @Geoff the a ~ gotta say, you got me w/ that ‘balpney’ … figured it was some sort of Old English word I wasn’t familiar w/ & went to look it up

    … until I realized it was a slip of the finger on the keyboard & you meant to type ‘baloney’ … been there, done that 😝

    btw, the person in this article is no ‘man of God’ … just another grifter evoking the Lord for profit … been that way, apparently, all his life

    …. he’ll get his reward in Heaven, for sure

  11. Thinking about it… if he doesn’t pay off the debt himself he’ll never have that feeling of triumph and rage when you work super hard, get a ton of money….and mail it off to pay a debt you incurred years ago.

    I’m sure the Germans have a word for it.

    But I clearly remember that it taught me valuable life lessons or made me a mature responsible adult or something.

    Paying off that LAST college bill….. indescribable.

  12. @Burr–

    He has no intention of paying it off. He wants it “forgiven”. Because “how did this horrible thing happen to me?/not my fault/it’s unfair/student debt is so oppressive/I shouldn’t have to pay for this/…” etc., ad nauseam.

  13. @willysgoatgruff May 18, 2020 at 8:15 pm

    “…Never trust a man/woman of God that has significant debt and wants to preach to you……”

    There is an axiom in the banking industry: Never lend to anyone in the the “P” professions: Plumbers, Policemen, Prostitutes and Preachers.

    Despite wanting to help them, experience over time has demonstrated this to be a valid rule of thumb.

  14. KCIR… yes it is indeed. Definitely what you make of it. I know so many nurses, but also CNAs, EMTs and therapists that are complete and total fearless badasses. The sort that could likely make it anywhere. Truly heroic despite the cheapening of the word by the media lately.

    But there are some who pursue it because they hear “the money is pretty good”. Karma smiles at them like Pennywise the clown.


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