Wounded Warrior Fires Top Executives – IOTW Report

Wounded Warrior Fires Top Executives

In a move to quell the controversy following a CBS News expose and a failed demand for a retraction, Chief Executive Officer Steven Nardizzi and Chief Operations Officer Al Giordano were both fired by Wound Warrior Project. Wounded%20Warrior%20Project%20CEO,%20COO_1457650009117_942220_ver1_0

 At issue was the lavish spending on travel, hotels and meals by the non-profit’s employees.

“According to the charity’s tax forms obtained by CBS News, spending on conferences and meetings went from $1.7 million in 2010, to $26 million in 2014.”

 $26 million is how much Wounded Warrior spends on combat stress recovery.


CBS Series on Wounded Warrior

Demand for Retraction from Wounded Warrior

18 Comments on Wounded Warrior Fires Top Executives

  1. it’s incredible to me that our most honorable are so mistreated by the va and by ripoff assholes under the guise of providing assistance and support

    can’t imagine stooping much lower, akin to those who are taking advantage of and ripping off our defenseless elderly

    there in no conscience in the minds of such people

  2. I have noticed a trend on tv for very polished ads begging for money for this and that. The worst is the pictures of sad faced dogs and sad music asking for money for the ASPCA. I was getting the same vibe on the Wounded Warrior Project. Don’t get me wrong. I absolutely want our troops taken care of but something smelled there. There is another outfit that was begging for Jews in Russia from WWII. WWII was 60 years ago, c’mon! Now they have the same type outfit begging for money for African elephants.
    These people are sleaze bag profiteers.

  3. I got the same bad vibe from Wounded Warrior Project that I did from the various organized TEA Party groups. I never gave either a dime. That being said everyone involved in this ripoff should be horsewhipped.

  4. Always was a rip off. Wounded received backpacks with misc, items and nothing else. Biggest rip off are the police charities, about 1% goes to the police. Best to give directly.

  5. My charitable donations go to local civic and fraternal organizations, and I help two of them to raise funds that are used for local scholarships, help for special needs kids, Christmas gifts and cash for orphans, gifts and food for an area veterans home, etc. I know where the money is going. I avoid the very large organizations that advertise a lot.

  6. It kills me to read all the negative comments about WWP from people who get their low information news from such a trust source, liberal fucking CBS News. I don’t work for WWP, but I am close to those who do here in Jacksonville, and trust me, they care of over 80k vets and love their responsibilities.

    CBS source for information came from a low life, ex vet, ex POS employee manager who was fired and then sued by WWP for stealing $50k thru his credit card. CBS has a real trust worthy source, and therefore people think WWP wrongly fired this pos because he lies like Hillary Clinton.

    WWP hired a legal team and an independent accounting auditing team to review 2015 expenditures. 86% of the money went to their programs. Google it. I dare you find a better veterans charity out there other than The American Legion or VFW.
    RANGERS Lead The Way!

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