WP Accuses Trump of Using “Fringe News” – IOTW Report

WP Accuses Trump of Using “Fringe News”

The Washington Post acts like Trump appearing on Alex Jones’ radio show breaks some kind of ethics standard.


Not only has Obama appeared on fringe telecasts, Obama has HOSTED some “tilted” political internet personalities at the white house.

And then there’s Moose, who does her own round of goofball talk show appearances.

Remember when they took separate flights out to LA for two different TV shows appearances on the same day?  I do.

So what if Trump talks to sometimes-loony Alex Jones?


Getting in front of a crowd is the very essence of politics and Trump used his appearance on Alex Jones to promote his book Crippled America.  He should do every pod cast, video blog and alternative outlet that will host him.


7 Comments on WP Accuses Trump of Using “Fringe News”

  1. Isn’t the Washington Post essentially the propaganda arm of the communists?

    They have admitted being biased, presumably because the bias was so blatant that a denial from them would have been laughable. So, I wonder what metric of ethical conduct they are using to judge others.

    For all of his failings, Alex Jones is still more of a legitimate journalist than anyone working at the Washington Post will ever be – and I realize that bar is pretty low.

  2. Alex Jones is on the same pane as Glen Beck, in my humble opinion.

    They both tell the truth about 50% of the time – the other 50% of the time they are perpetuating their own self serving interests.

  3. Donald Trump is an equal opportunity interviewee. He has a great message and he want’s to get it out. Keep going Donald.
    If Sharpton wants to interview you, take him on. He needs the ratings and the money. Same goes for CNN. Help them out.

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