Writer For Colbert Show Lets the Cat Out of the Bag Regarding Kavanaugh Protests – IOTW Report

Writer For Colbert Show Lets the Cat Out of the Bag Regarding Kavanaugh Protests

Kavanaugh was right. This is simply revenge for all the stunning and embarrassing losses at the ballot box.

Story at FOX.

19 Comments on Writer For Colbert Show Lets the Cat Out of the Bag Regarding Kavanaugh Protests

  1. If you let the liberals talk long enough, they always eventually get around to speaking their minds on what they truly believe. The problem most people have is recognizing that when that happens, these people really are serious in believing their own rhetoric.

  2. Ariel, you didn’t ruin Justice Kavanaugh’s life.
    He is respected and admired by millions of people around the globe.

    And you? No one gives two shits about you.

    To send a short hand written note to congratulate Justice Kavanaugh and his family for persevering through the recent hearing process write to this address:

    The Honorable Brett Kavanaugh
    Supreme Court of the United States
    1 First Street NE
    Washington, DC 20543

  3. guess what, crapweasel? … Kavanaugh is on the Supreme Court! … for as long as he wants to ‘Ginsberg’ …. suck it!

    … hope all of your ‘sexual harassment’ cases the SC in the next few decades go well … you shit-tards created this …. suck it

  4. That seems to meet the textbook definition of defamation. The hardest thing to prove is malicious intent. She just tweeted it for their entire staff.

    “The probability that a plaintiff will recover damages in a defamation suit depends largely on whether the plaintiff is a public or private figure in the eyes of the law. The public figure law of defamation was first delineated in new york times v. sullivan, 376 U.S. 254, 84 S. Ct. 710, 11 L. Ed. 2d 686 (1964). In Sullivan, the plaintiff, a police official, claimed that false allegations about him appeared in the New York Times, and sued the newspaper for libel. The Supreme Court balanced the plaintiff’s interest in preserving his reputation against the public’s interest in freedom of expression in the area of political debate. It held that a public official alleging libel must prove actual malice in order to recover damages. The Court declared that the First Amendment protects open and robust debate on public issues even when such debate includes “vehement, caustic, unpleasantly sharp attacks on government and public officials.” A public official or other plaintiff who has voluntarily assumed a position in the public eye must prove that defamatory statements were made with knowledge that they were false or with reckless disregard of whether they were false.”

    They didn’t care whether it was false. They just wanted to ruin his life. USA Today called him a pedophile. Media people repeated many times without so much as an “alleged” that he was a gang rapist with zero evidence.

    Finish this next session and then sue all of them. Of course, CBS leading the charge in smearing Kavanaugh is a welcome distraction to their network President harassing and molesting women for the last 40 years.

  5. If Hillary were president she would have placed two or even three of her reliable political hacks on the supreme court by now.

    Thank goodness Trump ended that nightmare before it could happen. It’s too horrible to contemplate the big If’s of that alternative history. Thank goodness Trump happened. I never would have thought it.

  6. It’s so depressing that the women I know on FB who have stories to tell blindly support fry voice Dr. Ford. They are totally clueless to the Dem operative back story to her lawyers and friends. Because “she said” that’s enough. There’s seemingly no signs of embarrassment with how the Left behaved during the hearings or in the streets. Just once I’d like one of them to say they don’t support Kavanagh or the angry protestors. It’ll never happen I guess.

  7. Amazing that the ‘identified’ US population as being plus/minus 327,375,909. OK, given those facts, how the hell does, (add all the numbers together for viewership) of late nite trash, warrant these no-talent shit-bombs staying on the air? An across the board viewership of 3 million each warrants their psychotic delusion, while no-talent trash keeps getting paid. The best is HBO, lists viewership as 43.07 million, including with no detail the 3, 6 month free sub-scriptions given away.

  8. In a just world, she just ruined her own career.
    The fact she is now a hero shows how disgusting the Left is.
    Please be sure to vote against every Leftist you can.
    For the rest of your life.

  9. @Ariel Dumas – Brett has had a life. You on the other hand, please enjoy a life long of abortion depression if anyone ever decides to fornicate with you! Regards to Uncle Ira and Aunt Ester for getting you out of their basement and nepotistic-ally getting you a job!

  10. Kavanaugh is a Supreme Court justice, not some guy eating out of an L.A. dumpster. I don’t think his life is ruined at all.

    I was just expecting them to call him gay or white bash him, which shows who these people really are.

  11. She writes for the Colbert show and that tells everyone just what a failure she is.
    I guess she had to find a way to channel her anger for being such a loser.


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