Wyoming roofing company offers free AR-15 with purchase – IOTW Report

Wyoming roofing company offers free AR-15 with purchase


Matt Thomas, who does marketing for Wiggins Construction, created the idea to offer a free AR-15 to those customers who sign up for a new roof installation.

He wanted to offer something to new Wyoming residents who have fled liberal states, like California.

He explained, “People are moving into Wyoming to get out of the cities and to get away from the regulation and to get away from living in fear. We’re just offering it as almost like, for the people that are recently moving to Wyoming as a ‘Welcome to Wyoming’ gift, and for the people that are here, locals, just a ‘thank you’ for doing business.”

But he’s had reactions – of outrage – from Chicago, from California, from New Hampshire, and more.



12 Comments on Wyoming roofing company offers free AR-15 with purchase

  1. “Few of us have seen the entire video of a US policeman getting gunned down by a Cartel member who was put in harm’s way by the Feds.

    It’s beyond chilling, and it will PISS YOU OFF:”

    “US Policeman?” Nobody that lives in the US would refer to that tactically challenged individual as a “Policeman”. Kindly fuck off, eat shit and die.
    You Don’t Live Here.

  2. I replaced my own roof and used the cash saved on labor and markup to buy ummm…. several loaves of bread, which I toasted, then nibbled into various likenesses of scary black rifles and handguns of all caliber.
    And ammo.

  3. So? What are these people’s problem? It’s not like the Wyoming company is giving away EBRs (Eeeeevil Black Rifles) in ShitCongo, Kalifornication, or any other DildoCrat run Left Coast states.

  4. When I started working in the petrochemical industry after leaving the Air Force, we would often bring our guns to work on the graveyard shift and clean them in the control room. Sometimes, we’d even hunt rabbits at night on the 100 acre plant site. Rabbit stew is great! Occasionally, we’d come across an alligator walking through the units but we usually left them alone.

  5. Hambone, was that Lake Charles area?

    Hey, we need a Gulf Coast IOTWR Get Together! You, me, Bayouwulf for starters. Who else on here is from our redneck of the woods? Little Morphin’ Annie? BFH could drive on over from East Coast Fla – it’s only 11 hours, easy peasy!


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