Yeah, 9/11 Was Bad; But It Wasn’t ‘QAnoners Wandering Around The Capitol For A Few Hours’-Bad – IOTW Report

Yeah, 9/11 Was Bad; But It Wasn’t ‘QAnoners Wandering Around The Capitol For A Few Hours’-Bad

Zero Hedge:

Authored (extremely satirically) by Caitlin Johnstone via,

Okay, okay, let’s all cool our jets here for a minute. I know we’re all worked up about the twentieth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, and that’s all well and good. But let’s not let our emotions cloud our vision and let today’s commemorations cause us to forget the real horror we must all remain focused on: the Capitol riot this past January.

It is true that losing nearly 3,000 American lives to weaponized passenger jets was pretty bad, but I think we can all agree that this pales in comparison to the earth-shattering terror we all experienced when watching footage of wingnuts wander aimlessly around the Capitol Building for a few hours.

Serious experts agree.

In a July appearance on MSNBC’s ReidOut with Joy Reid, former Bush strategist Matthew Dowd said he felt the Capitol riot was “much worse” than 9/11 and that this is the “most perilous point in time” since the beginning of the American Civil War.

“To me, though there was less loss of life on January 6, January 6 was worse than 9/11, because it’s continued to rip our country apart and get permission for people to pursue autocratic means, and so I think we’re in a much worse place than we’ve been,” Dowd said. “I think we’re in the most perilous point in time since 1861 in the advent of the Civil War.”

“I do too,” Reid replied.

Not to be outdone, Lincoln Project co-founder Steve Schmidt cited Dowd’s claim but added that not only was January 6 worse than 9/11, but it was actually going to kill more Americans somehow, even counting all those killed in the US wars which ensued from the 9/11 attacks. more here

13 Comments on Yeah, 9/11 Was Bad; But It Wasn’t ‘QAnoners Wandering Around The Capitol For A Few Hours’-Bad

  1. I would be more afraid of BLM and antifa that ran roughshod over multiple cities for months than a few hundred people who were generally peaceful and weren’t attacking others.
    I guess that is why I am not “a serious expert”

  2. “I think we’re in the most perilous point in time since 1861 in the advent of the Civil War.”

    Given our current course, future historians will need to label this as the “First” Civil War.

    For as long as I live whenever Jan. 6th is brought up I will always think of Ashli, how the Deep State killed one of our own and got away with it.

    Incidentally, didn’t McCarthy tell us that they were going to hold their own Jan.6th hearings, did they have it in a phone booth at 3am a few weeks ago and nobody told us?

  3. Well they did send more troops to guard politicians than they did troops to save Americans to I guess try and prove those of us who love our country are worse than terrorists.

    From where I’m sitting it looks like the politicians and the establishment are the biggest threat to our country as they hate Americans and love terrorists.

  4. After spending this weekend watching 9/11 documentaries I would dare any motherfucker to spout this kind of bullshit to my face.
    I would pound these ignorant motherfuckers into dust!

    Seriously, anyone that claims this bullshit should be outright killed.
    They are a clear & present danger to mankind.

  5. GW Bush saying this same bulloney to the people at Shanksville was appalling. He never looked or sounded more idiotic.
    Of course he is besties with the Obamas and Clintons. Even has Bill and Hill to Walker’s point for long weekends.

    They’re all swamp rats.
    By the way, anyone else notice Joy Reid has been using darker and darker makeup?


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