Yeah, about that glimmer of hope that Sessions would go after Hillary… no – IOTW Report

Yeah, about that glimmer of hope that Sessions would go after Hillary… no

Sessions is a waste. Unless you are deeply invested in asset forfeiture and M-13, Sessions is not your guy.

34 Comments on Yeah, about that glimmer of hope that Sessions would go after Hillary… no

  1. Sessions is a realist (to some extent) and knows that going after a Clinton would galvanize the totalitarians into some fairly drastic actions (aktions – not jawboning) and that it would be drawn out for years on end and would ultimately finish with her death from cirrhosis or some other drug-and-alcohol-related affliction.

    If he refrains from pretending to investigate and/or prosecute, the maggots in both parties can continue to fleece the taxpayers, stash millions from graft, and continue their efforts to destroy the Republic with impunity.

    Nobody really wants to “drain the swamp” – wee knew that once “repeal” became “repeal and replace.” Who wants his cancer “replaced?” Total bullshit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Art of the Zeal — apparently that idea was floated this week and rejected by Sessions. I’m hoping that Trump will turn his serious attention to this problem now that he is back from Asia.

  3. Jeff Sessions does bot belong in a Trump admin. He quite thoroughly embarrassed the Atty. Gen. office.
    He is a total loser. Nearly anybody would be a better replacement for him. Man has already wasted eight months.

  4. I read yesterday that Mr. Turtle is publicly floating the idea of a write in campaign for Sessions to run against Moore. This explains a lot about Sessions’ recent rhetoric on the subject. It also not only proves both are swamp creatures but indicates both know Trump is finally realizing it and is contemplating taking out the garbage.

  5. He is just another “John Roberts,” whose closet has skeletons that he will do anything to keep hidden therein.

    It is beyond obvious by now that the Clinton machine has the goods on him.

  6. Trump HAS to take action on removing/replacing Sessions SOON.
    He’s sharp enough to realize Sessions is ANOTHER “albatross”
    on his neck, as is Congress regarding The Wall and rescinding Obamacare…
    …a weight that will only grow heavier as 2020 approaches.

  7. Agreed. Mr Sessions has been one of the few good ones on Capitol Hill and IMO is an honorable man — but we need someone to take the bull by the horns and start putting criminals in prison. He isn’t the guy, if he was we’d have seen it by now. Need someone new.

  8. Trump is surrounded by the enemy in DC. I don’t think he knows who to trust anymore and the advice he gets on appointments is suspect at best. I agree with some other commenters. Go outside of DC to the States and find an aggressive DA who actually believes in the rule of law and is a conservative. Give Bannon the job (quietly and secretly) of shepherding the appointment through a hostile Senate and at the same time give him the job of researching the Turtle to find out what the left is holding over his head. Find an outside person to head the FBI as well.

  9. Rudy Giuliani would do a fine job if given the chance…..and appoint someone like Joe DeGenova for Special Counsel just to avoid the “appearance” of bias.
    DiGenova would roast Her Thighness’ testicles to a crisp.

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