“Yeah, you talk it” – IOTW Report

“Yeah, you talk it”

Martha Laning, the Wisconsin Democrat Party Chair attended an Obama rally earlier this year with fellow Dem David Bowen, a State Rep member.


She found the rally so much more interesting thanks to Mr. Bowen’s reaction to Obama’s speech.


23 Comments on “Yeah, you talk it”

  1. ghetto talk will solidify the black vote….if you get rid of the educated black voter…….

    oh wait the educated black voter has already left the socialist democrat party.

    never mind, whites talking ghetto is still good to entertain the white socialist democrats.

  2. As it already has been for quite some time. Have we already forgotten Biden’s awesomeness of “They gonna put y’all back in chains!” line from the recent few years?

    Only difference is, if you’re a leftist, you can claim that it’s acceptable for you to practice cultural appropriation in some cases whereas anyone else, it’s deserving of the gallows. Funny how that works, eh?

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