Yellen Thinks It’ll Only Cost $3 Trillion a Year for 25 Years to Save the Environment – IOTW Report

Yellen Thinks It’ll Only Cost $3 Trillion a Year for 25 Years to Save the Environment

Sky News

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Saturday the world’s transition to a low-carbon economy requires $3 trillion in new investment annually through 2050, and that filling the financing gap to reach that level of funding represents the biggest economic opportunity of the 21st century. More

22 Comments on Yellen Thinks It’ll Only Cost $3 Trillion a Year for 25 Years to Save the Environment

  1. Not a PhD. She’s a PHuD. A drug-addled moron, probably a dyke but married to a beta male for legitimacy. What horseshit.

    Reason 1,563,955 why we’re fucked during Democrat rule.


  2. 3 Trillion dollars would give me enough ammo to put away this stupefied low IQ moron away for the rest of [it’s] life. Lord help us thru this evil Demoncratic distain.

  3. She’s a tool.
    Why would anyone listen to a Treasury Secretary yammer about what is purportedly a question of science?
    Proof again, as if any were needed, that the Globaloney Warming Scam is nothing but a hoax – having financial maggots (and the occasional $Billionaire and unemployed parasites like J.F. Kerry and A. Gore) blather about things they don’t understand and being endlessly quoted by “the Media” is further proof.

    Dear Ms. Yellen,
    Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die.
    Thank you very much.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Bear in mind that every single dollar the government has, is one it took from you and I at gunpoint.

    And that $3,000,000,000,000 is over and above the $7 trillion they already extract from us.

    There are not 3 trillion taxpayers, it’s more like 150 million, so we would each have to pony up an ADDITIONAL $20,000 every year just to pay for more corruption loaded projects that only make everything worse, from toxic waste to global slavery, and require levels of goverment control on the order of Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, or Maoist China to even begin to implent.

    All of which will kill jobs and drive inflation, so after Year One less taxpayers would need to pay even more.

    And all we’ll have to show for it is burning windmills, flaming busses, and former farm fields filled with broken solar panels and acres of depleted batteries and failed windmill blades that will take the land they’re on out of production forever.

    But it will make a lot of Communist polititians incredibly rich and powerful, tho.

    So one way or another, it will be done, and endorced with F-15s and nukes and J6 imprisonmemt for anyone who complains.

    Communist do not stop until they ARE stopped, as history has shown us time and again. The rewards to the rulers are too great, the consequences of losing power too dire, and the killing of peasants has only gotten easier as the years have progressed, so they will only get more heavy handed as time progresses, and that’s the purpose of this proposal.

    Take wealth from people and grind them with the full force of government if they complain.

    Starving people make poor revolutionaries, after all…

  5. The enviroment is for everybody on the planet.
    Whut’s the rest of the world kicking in?


    That’s what I thought! Just another Cloward-Piven ruse to loot the Treasury and break the financial back of the United States… and this one would definitly push us over the cliff!

  6. and the really funny part is that people still believe that the government cvan control the weather if we give them enough money and our right. the only thing that they want to control is the size of their wallets.

  7. Those moronic, stupid, retarded idiots in charge are simply usefull idiots that the Commies driving the bus are hiding behind. It’s called “Intent disguized as Incompetence”! Everything happens “Acidentally-On-Purpose”

  8. @SNS:

    Bear in mind that every single dollar the government has, is one it took from you and I at gunpoint.

    It’s worse than that. The govt is spending money today that it hasn’t stolen yet, but in the future will steal from our children.

    Hell isn’t hot enough for the likes of these malcreants.

  9. Damn the dumpocraps and the RINOs. Look what they’ve gotten us into since 1900: the Mexican incursion, WWI, US Marines in various Caribbean nations, Nicaragua, US Navy gunboats in Chinese rivers (see movie The Sand Pebbles – Steve McQueen), WWII, Korea, Vietnam…and more and more quagmires.

    I admit that Repubs McKinley and TR started us down the semi-Imperialist Path with the Spanish-American War. But it is understandable they did not want Yurp imperialists in the Western Hemisphere.
    Some of what we did is not understandable…like why did the US have to carve out a hunk of coastal China along with the Euro powers? The Chinese have mistrusted us since. We ended up having to defend the enclave during the Boxer Rebellion.

    Our history is a mixed bag of the good and the dreadful. But don’t mistake me. The US is still the best country in the world for the freedoms we have as articulated in the Constitution and amendments. Can we keep our freedoms in the face of domestic tyranny is the question.

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