Yellen’s Ethics Problem – IOTW Report

Yellen’s Ethics Problem

Conservative News Daily

Did newly-confirmed Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen violate her ethics agreement with the US Treasury Department?

New York Times reporter Kenneth Vogel said unless Janet Yellen receives a written waiver, she will be barred by her ethics agreement from participating in any matter involving CITADEL until October, 2021 (or one year after her last paid speech to Citadel).

Yellen will be briefing Biden and Harris on the Citadel-GameStop-Robinhood situation tomorrow morning (not that Biden will have a clue what’s going on anyway). More

I’d be willing to bet that if there is a big enough stink raised the Biden Administration will issue a back-dated waiver for Yellen. – Dr. Tar

13 Comments on Yellen’s Ethics Problem

  1. In many ways, the next 4 years will be most enjoyable and entertaining, followed by the Trump comeuppance.

    The DNC is quickly digging it’s own grave. If they were smart, they would slow down and try to show “unity”. LOL.

  2. 2 weeks in, constitution and 400 years of ethics & basic political processes all being ignored.

    One Good thing though: The imbeciles on Saturday Nite Live have no content and suck even more than usual.

  3. at least with trump, he told you what the fuck was going on. but with this new crew they’re only mission is to back fill everything he exposed these criminals were and are doing.
    i give them two big middle fingers held up high for the new administration!

  4. Just how long will it take for the outraged serfs to remember, “ETHICS? WE DON’T NEED NO STINKING ETHICS!”, is the mantra of the left!!

    STOP expecting ‘justice’!

  5. A fraudulent presidunce has no reason to impede or impair a fraudulent and unethical appointee.

    To expect ethical behavior is pretty childish, doncha think?
    Or head-up-your-ass idealistically fantasy-ish?

    These people will take up torture and murder before long – terror is their only means of survival. You heard (read) it here, on iOTWReport, first.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Kcir (cause I give a kcuf)
    JANUARY 31, 2021 AT 12:33 AM

    “…One Good thing though: The imbeciles on Saturday Nite Live have no content and suck even more than usual.”

    …it’s possible to still get some comedy out of the early stages of nascent dictatorships.
    That’s kind of what “Cabaret” was all about, here, SNL can watch them poke sexually deviant fun at jackbooted stormtroopers that were soon to crush entire nations and murder millions fir government control at 1:40 in this video, just to demonstrate how you don’t have to take the dawn of genocidal narcissistic totalitarianism seriously, at least until they come for you…

  7. someone has said she needs a waiver?
    the first thing they’ll do is fire and de-platform whoever came up with that idea.
    “we have more important things before us”
    In the US today, she doesn’t need a waiver to accept bribe money, disquised as ‘speaking fees,’
    she already has a waiver- she’s a democrat
    you know how that works
    or you will


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