Yelling ‘I hate white people’ and punching one isn’t a hate crime, Canadian judge rules – IOTW Report

Yelling ‘I hate white people’ and punching one isn’t a hate crime, Canadian judge rules


Tamara Crowchief may have yelled “I hate white people” as she carried out a violent assault on a white person, but that doesn’t mean her attack was racially motivated, a Canadian judge has ruled.

The attack occurred outside a pub in Calgary, Canada, on Nov. 1, according to the Calgary Herald. Crowchief’s victim, identified as Lydia White, lost a tooth in the assault, the paper reported.

Prosecutor Karuna Ramakrishnan had tried to put Crowchief behind bars for 12 to 15 months by arguing that the indigenous woman’s “unprovoked” actions represented a hate crime, the paper reported. But Judge Harry Van Harten of the provincial court strongly disagreed.

“The offender said, ‘I hate white people’ and threw a punch,” Van Harten told those gathered in the court during his ruling. “There is no evidence either way about what the offender meant or whether . . . she holds or promotes an ideology which would explain why this assault was aimed at this victim. I am not satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt that this offense was, even in part, motivated by racial bias.”


I’d respect this asshole judge more if he tried to say the woman meant “White people,” as in, “people named White.”

(The woman punched was named Lydia White.)

22 Comments on Yelling ‘I hate white people’ and punching one isn’t a hate crime, Canadian judge rules

  1. I don’t really hate anyone, but I have a growing dislike for lawyers and reporters, who seem to twist things and dwell on racism.
    Phuckemall! When the shit hits the fan, they’ll run away, and come out when the coast is clear to litigate and tell stories.

  2. Behold the sure fruit of socialism. A judge sets a racist criminal above the victim but if the victim complains, that same government will prosecute the victim for being racist.

  3. I hate all candians and i’m gonna kick all their arses during my 15 min smoke break at the cracker barrel in Lakeville, MN.
    Cooo, loo, coo, coo, coo, coo, coo, coooo!

  4. Openly racist singer on stage:

    Singer Asks White Audience Members To Go To The Back Of the Audience. Then This Happens.
    As she has done before, last month, Lido Pimienta, a Colombian-Canadian singer, asked audience members of color to move to the front and white members to move to the back. Unlike other times she has made that request, some white members refused to act in accordance with her request,
    including a white female volunteer who was reportedly there to photograph the show.

  5. Hate crime laws violate the 14th Amendment because they are not applied equally under the law.

    I know this is about Canada where fairness and logic do not apply but, for the US, it should be illegal to pile extra charges for some people and not for others in some misguided attempt to balance some cosmic ledger.

  6. Urban Dictionary has it about right…

    “Race Traitor: One who has turned against their race and/or ethnicity in favor of those who would persecute them. ie a self loather and/or one who is ashamed of their heritage.”

    Looking at you, Harry Van Harten.

  7. Well?

    Couple of years ago a bunch of pavement apes armed with hammers attacked some white guy screaming “Kill Whitey!” – which they did.

    No “hate” crime. In fact, if memory serves, no crime at all – no one was brought to “justice” – thus, no crime, no punishment, no retribution, no nothing.

    So, let’s not be so “high and mighty” condemning Canada.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Should we release the findings on msNBC’s secret subliminal audio operations? It’s been running about a year now. Any other researcher ever mentioned it? Like maybe a year ago??

    Cough Cough. . . Sniffle Sniffle. . .Cough Cough

  9. indigenous…. Those who live in the United States are indigenous or more specifically a native of the US.

    Another word used to separate citizens of the republic.

  10. The good news for Lazlo is that he is now sixty, and too old to take an ass whuppin. So any altercation I get in now will involve shooting the bastards

  11. Recommendation for Lazlo The Elder: when shooting the bastards, make sure you blow their heads clean off. As in cleanly. You don’t want a mess to clean-up at your age. Our need for structure increases with age.

  12. The judge in this case made the interesting point that the defendant had never in the past (to the best of the investigators knowledge) made a racist crack nor had ever disparaged whites. That being said he alluded to it being an in the heat of the moment type of comment and as such not meant to be racially motivated. Actually, that’s not a bad judgement. It would also act as a precedent (at least in Alberta) when something similar comes up where a white person is charged in an assault against a black or native or whatever under similar circumstances. I wonder what this Judge would do (or be forced to do) in that case. It would be interesting to see the white be found guilty because I do believe then that the two cases could form the basis of a move to remove or at least gut the entire hate crime legislation as being racist.

  13. I hope this judge is experiencing backlash for this.

    When Judges like this, who are guilt ridden self hating virtue signaling traitors, they give yet another pass to the, “It’s okay to be racist towards white people.” Which needs to be called out, shamed, & never allowed again. ALL racism NEEDS to STOP! That includes white people! Anti-White Racism is being accepted by the Left & must STOP NOW!


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