Yet another “Security Review” – IOTW Report

Yet another “Security Review”

_Hillary Clinton insisted on calling the FBI investigation into the private email system she established to conduct official business as Secretary of State a “security review.” She elaborated: “[T]here are lots of those that are conducted in our government all the time and you don’t hear about most of them.”

Well, of course, as with all things Clintonian, the words are terms of art. It depends on the meaning of “security review.” For “security review” read “criminal investigation.” The FBI doesn’t do security reviews. But “criminal investigation” also needs to be understood in a Clintonian sense.

When Judicial Watch announced earlier this week that subpoenas had been issued in an underlying investigation and that Hillary had (of course) been the subject, I wondered what former Assistant United States Attorney Andrew McCarthy would make of it. Andy has followed the ins and outs of the “security review” with a jeweler’s eye. He addresses the disclosures by Judicial Watch this week in his NRO column “Revealed: Eleventh-hour subpoenas in the Clinton e-mails investigation.”

The rest at Powerline

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