Yeti Coolers Suffer For Company’s Shunning Of The NRA – IOTW Report

Yeti Coolers Suffer For Company’s Shunning Of The NRA

Videos have been popping up lately of individuals demonstrating their dislike of the recent announcement that outdoor life product maker Yeti had canceled its seven year advertising agreement with the NRA Foundation. While some have taken to destroying their Yeti tumblers and coffee mugs, a couple of women with high powered rifles took their cooler out for some target practice. Watch

The Texas based company has issued a statement that their firm had terminated “a group of outdated discounting programs” and hadn’t singled out the NRA in particular. The NRA lobbyist, Marion Hammer stated yesterday that Yeti had “delivered notice to the NRA Foundation that it was terminating a 7 year agreement and demanded that the NRA remove the YETI name and logo from all NRA digital assets, as well as refrain from using any YETI trademarks in future print material. While YETI is trying to spin the story otherwise, those are the facts.” More

34 Comments on Yeti Coolers Suffer For Company’s Shunning Of The NRA

  1. When will these ignorant CEO’s get the fact that you buy advertising to expose your product or service to a targeted audience. It’s not an endorsement of the show or it’s host.
    The show is merely an audience delivery system.

  2. It’s like Nordstrom. First their CEO or whomever says he does not like Trump. Then a couple of days later he says they are discontinuing Ivanka’s line. When the s**t hit the fan the CEO says “we discontinued her line for lack of sales just as we have other lines.” When asked what other lines they discontinued for the “same” reason,’ he said, “We do not discuss those business decisions publicly.” But he did feel the need to discuss the discontinuation of Ivanka’s line publicly. Oh, but I believe him.

  3. @Different Tim April 25, 2018 at 12:44 pm

    > When I saw the price on their chest coolers, my first thought was a bag of ice only costs two bucks. Was I missing something?

    Didn’t you see the ad(vertising)?

  4. They sent me a bullshit form letter response when I pointed out that all three of my kids were given an NRA Life membership when they were born and that although I use robust coolers, I don’t need Yeti.

    Before people start in with what a waste of money etc it is to purchase and use such coolers, it only shows your ignorance. If you go tuna fishing, if you go elk hunting and have to pack coolers along with quads and stoves and antlers into a truck on the way home etc then you will be ahead buying coolers that will not have foot pegs from a quad destroy in the truck bed or trailer.

    We have a half dozen Grizzly & RTIC coolers and most of the guys I hunt and fish with use extreme duty coolers too.

  5. Smooth Yeti, you nutless wonders. First you pull a dumb ass stunt to suck up to the people who don’t buy or use your products, and now you LIE about what you did? RIP Idiots.

  6. Far too little, much too late for Yeti. I’m sure this was initiated by some leftist functionary who had no idea whom their customer base consisted of, however they represented the company, and there are plenty of like concerns waiting to fill the void left by this monumentally short-sided business decision.

  7. I saw a comment on Twitter that, instead of destroying their Yeti coolers, they should sell them on eBay for $1. That will flood the market and make even less sales for Yeti.

  8. I was golfing with two brothers on Monday and it was clear from their conversation that they were avid hunters. They hadn’t heard of the Yeti story yet, but once I told them they said they throwing theirs out and buying a couple RTIC’s. There might be a lot of that going on.

  9. Those coolers are about 10 times the price of my old Coleman ice chest. I doubt I’d destroy a $400.00 cooler just to make a point.

    Besides, the old Coleman still works fine.

  10. I used to be a retail manager while in college. I dealt with successful companies that were on the downslide after a rapid rise to market share dominance and that downslide began when they started hiring reps and management types who had no concept of who their customer is or what their needs really are.

  11. The common denominator is these stupid companies win the lottery when their FAR-OVERPRICED merchandise gets thought of as ‘hip’ in certain circles. The windfall tricks them into thinking they are geniuses!
    Their Ivy-League MBA know-it-all mentality makes them vulnerable, coupled with corrupt Wall Street throwing money at them, in order to use them to fleece clueless investors down the line. Bloat, Rinse, Repeat.

    Patagonia, Yeti, even companies like Cabelas, market ‘outdoorsy’ healthy living to the couch potatoes and those trapped in urban rat-like life. Will any of these rubes use a $400 fly-fishing reel even once?? Yeti is Tibetan for Adios Losers!

  12. The problem is that most of the upper level executives and PR people of these companies exist in upscale,cloistered, left heavy social circles and are marinated in trendy SJW groupthink.
    They’re so isolated from average consumers and their customer base that they heave no concept how foolish and business damaging that these decisions are.

  13. @JD Hasty: The point isn’t that Yeti products aren’t good, they are; it is that the price they charge is wildly out of proportion to the cost of production. The $40 bucket is a perfect example. That is 8x the cost of a similar bucket at Homo Depot. Is the cost of production of the Yeti bucket 8x more? Absolutely not, regardless of what it’s made of. I don’t like getting raped when I buy a product.

  14. I understand Tony,

    We had a Yeti that I picked up as a door prize. Pretty good cooler for us until it got stolen. When I was buying these robust coolers I purchased Grizzly and have an RTIC that was a gift.

    I would put them all in pretty much the same class when it comes to being everything proof. I was asked if I would like a Yeti when I said that an RTIC 65 would serve our purpose just as well. The Grizzly coolers are pretty industrial and they take up a lot of room in the back of the pickup or SUVs because of how the solid handles stick out wherein the rope handles hang along the side of the coolers.

    I have given a few of these heavy duty coolers as gifts, and they are appreciated.

    Tuna, salmon or bottom fishing off the coast is really hard on coolers. Anything else won’t last three trips. Hunting is even more so when you have quads, stoves and other stuff transported with the coolers.

    IDK if they are any better at keeping ice than something like Coleman extremes. We have those too and they both seem to keep ice for a week so long as you keep the damn lid closed. The thing to do is to keep all the ice in a couple coolers and keep those ones closed and IN THE SHADE. Threatening doesn’t help, begging doesn’t help the only way to keep them closed and in the shade is with padlocks or kids/wives will be in them all day long.

    But if you can keep them closed until time to open and use that ice it will be fine after a week in 100 degree weather.

    My point is: There’s a place for them and I for one am glad that people buy enough of them to keep the companies making them profitable and to have enough of a market to spur competition.

  15. I look at places like Dick’s and Yeti’s and wonder just who is in charge of the executive day-care at those places. They go out of their way to piss off their customer base with the attacks on the NRA. These places don’t sell ladies cosmetics, they don’t sell organic pasta they sell outdoor gear and the majority of their customers are fishermen and hunters, both groups are likely to be supporters of the 2A. Did marketing and business wizz kids from Harvard and Yale take over these places and figure out that actions such as this would be a great way to get that Silicon Valley hipster as a new customer? Gonna be fun to watch their next sets of income statements.

  16. If you’ve already spent the money on one and like it, don’t destroy or give away.

    Re-brand the cooler so that Yeti does not show.

    You can put a plate over the name and grind down any raised lettering.

    Not hard at all. Even give it some 2A name on the plate. Whatever.

    We called it de-chroming way back when you wanted to strip all identifying markings off a vehicle and make it yours.

  17. To those who can’t fathom spending a lot on a Yeti or similar cooler, I’d like to offer an explanation. I drive 1500 miles a week in my job. I bought a Pelican cooler a couple of years ago, so I could stop spending so much for food each week. I load up my cooler on Sunday nights. I use the synthetic, permanent ice blocks. I freeze them in my home freezer on weekends. Two of these blocks keep my food and drinks completely cool all the way from Sunday to Friday. I never have to buy ice and never have a cooler of water to drain. My Pelican was about $180 and I look at it as a great investment. I don’t think the Yeti is a good deal at all, being Chinese, not as well made and 2X the price but I’ve saved a lot of money and headaches with my cooler.

  18. Never liked the 30oz mug my wife got me, but I’m going to put a Virginia Citiens Defense League sticker over the logo. Don’t want to insult my wife, but the Bubba Keg I use for coffee is better.


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