Yikes – Chris Matthews challenges anyone to name a successful country where the government controlled the economy – IOTW Report

Yikes – Chris Matthews challenges anyone to name a successful country where the government controlled the economy

Matthews is a democrat because he has a romantic notion about the party that just doesn’t exist, probably never did.

13 Comments on Yikes – Chris Matthews challenges anyone to name a successful country where the government controlled the economy

  1. Tingles sure didn’t give a shit when Barky was trying to transform us into socialists. I don’t recall his personal distress back in 2009 when Newsweek declared on its cover, “We Are All Socialists Now”. Seems he’s got more of a problem with the messengers than the message.

  2. When liars ask liars for truth, they can’t give an honest answer. And not one of them could say “America does,” because it doesn’t. Cant be $23 trillion in debt and claim that for an answer. Not one of these Democrats even ever mention wiping out the debt. But neither do Repubs because they also know who has been controlling the economy in the USA, and it isn’t the government as defined in the Constitution. The reality of history exposes the unpleasant truth these politicians have been enslaved to for decades/centuries.

    Does the Rothschild family control the world’s money supply? Here’s the truth
    by Justin Brown
    “If you type ‘Rothschild’ into Google a myriad of conspiracy sites pop up to inform you that this family (together with the Rockefeller and Morgan families) rule the world.

    Staggering allegations are made that raise serious concerns:

    There are only 3 countries in the world without a Rothschild-owned central bank: Cuba, North Korea and Iran
    The US Federal Reserve is a privately owned company (controlled by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Morgans) and prints the money for the US Government
    The true power of the Rothschilds goes far beyond the banking empire: they are also behind all wars since Napoleon”

    “According to the Rothschild website, they are indeed a global company, represented across the world. They openly state: “No other adviser has deeper insight or breadth of connections in the UK than Rothschild. Rothschild has more than 40 years’ experience in South East Asia. We have unparalleled experience in advising African Sovereigns on credit ratings and debt raisings, connecting Africa to international capital markets. Rothschild has an unrivalled depth of insight in the region [Central and Eastern Europe], and a long history of activity dating back to the nineteenth century.” And so it continues for all regions in the world.

    So, Rothschild is everywhere and the representation is through banking and banking serves. And as we all know, money is power, so the company, or the family then, has tentacles everywhere, but I’d hate to be the one accusing them of ruling the world and causing all wars since Napoleon because they saw an opportunity to make unparalleled profits.”

    How the Rothschilds Became the Secret Rulers of the World
    “Now that we understand the origins of the Rothschild family, we will continue to talk about the influence of the family in shaping the world and profiting from the suffering of millions, but more importantly, masterminding almost every major event that has occurred since the 18th century.”


  3. The same guy who was Nixon’s speechwriter challenges anyone about success?
    Pretty sure where the original RINO tusk is buried.
    Challenges anyone to guess,,,

  4. Mathews doesn’t dislike Sanders for his socialism-ality, he dislikes Sanders because he’s an old white fart running for president.

    Dems want young blood with brown or black skin and either female real or fake genitalia. The socialism part goes without saying.

  5. Chris will be off the air for the next couple days while they get him dried out! The network has issued an apology for any discomfort caused by the outburst.

  6. Poor, stupid Chris Matthews. He thinks that these candidates belong to the political party of John F. Kennedy and Tip O’Neill. Someone needs to inform Matthews that it’s Lee Harvey Oswald’s political party now.

  7. Off the top of my head the only country I can think of whose Gubmint controls the economy is Singapore. And even then its not a true command economy like in all Socialist countries. Singapore more or less sets guidelines and then steps back. But God help you if you stray outside the guidelines.

  8. @tRuth – seek help. Seriously. Please seek help.

    You have gone way beyond the good old-fashioned jew-hating of the typical Leftist.

    Your Jew-hatred is worrisome. The next jew-hating conspiracy theory you’ll push will be to swear on the accuracy of The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion.


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