You are getting very sleepy… you will consider all sources of news fake unless it is us… – IOTW Report

You are getting very sleepy… you will consider all sources of news fake unless it is us…

This is extremely troubling. This is creepy. This is 1984.

HT/ All Too Much



20 Comments on You are getting very sleepy… you will consider all sources of news fake unless it is us…

  1. Just sent this to my Mom because of a conversation I had with her a while back. I told her the media was in cahoots to shape their narrative. She said I was foolish.

  2. These people AREN’T “journalists”. These people are ALL actors and actresses reading from a teleprompter like the drones that they are.

    Actors telling us how to think, and for how long.

    Resistance is futile. /sarc

  3. I identified 9 stations in the video. All 9 are Sinclair stations.
    Sinclair broadcasting is considered conservative. These are not news
    stories, these are promos and are “Must carry” handed down by the
    company. Hit the link ChiGuy posted above.


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