You Can Pick Your Friends and You Can Pick Your Nose, But Don’t Let Them Shove That Swab Up Your Nose – IOTW Report

You Can Pick Your Friends and You Can Pick Your Nose, But Don’t Let Them Shove That Swab Up Your Nose

The Federalist

It’s the season for respiratory viruses. Chances are, you and your loved ones might catch one, but just say no, at least to the nasal swab. Encourage your family and friends to do the same. The Covid-19 test won’t change anything, but positive tests will fuel the media and health bureaucracy’s hysterical efforts to impose medical martial law. More

15 Comments on You Can Pick Your Friends and You Can Pick Your Nose, But Don’t Let Them Shove That Swab Up Your Nose

  1. I have a cold right now. Started Tuesday and yesterday I actually thought I might have to go to the doctor. But I upped my fluid intake and maxed out both guaifenesin and cough suppressant ad feel much better today. A little bit of congestion and sort of a cough but that’s it. So far anyway. Of course my children have been treating me like I’m a vampire anytime I get too close though. ;-D

  2. If they aren’t worried about invaders coming over the border being an emergency, they can’t be too worried about me not taking a untested vaccine, only approved for emergency use. They have plenty of sheep people available to jab.

  3. I saw a tweet yesterday, purportedly from a doctor. He said when you are shopping for a pediatrician, ask him what percentage of his income is from administering vaccines, flu shots etc. He says that TYPICAL is 60-80% of their revenue.
    Think they are motivated to look out for your childrens’ health? Or are they more motivated to *imagine* that all those shots are good for the kids, as he upgrades his boat?

  4. Both our local corner store and ACE hardware are masked. No signs telling the customers to mask up and if they do, I won’t be darkening their door.

    Because I know all the employees pretty well at both places, I asked one, “Why are you guys wearing masks again?” She replied, “Well, because we are exposed to so many people and there’s been an uptick, blah, blah, blah.” The last half of that sentence kinda trailed off like she was embarrassed to be spouting the C,N,& N talking point.

    I looked her in the eyes (because I can’t see the rest of her face, and said, “But you know they don’t do anything against covid, right?” She said she wasn’t aware of that, so I added that there have been enough studies and the WHO and CDC both admit they don’t work. Then I borrowed something someone said here, “It’s like expecting a swimsuit preventing a kid from getting pee in the pool, if you know what I mean.” Then I laughed.

    When it comes to covid, I don’t care whose feelz I hurt. If it’s a lie, it’s a lie.

  5. …I had someone ram a Brobdingnagian Q-tip from the inside of my nostril to the back of my skull once in the parking lot of an alleged “medical facility” so that I could, after a RINO-induced cowrdice delay, have a crippling meniscus reduced in my knee so that I could earn my family’s bread.

    I will not tolerate that a second time.

    They aren’t practicing medicine at such times, they are advancing Communism.

    Never forget that when they try it again.

  6. Medicare claims scam.
    Medicare was charged for multiple sets of home test kits (mostly from labs in Illinois and Texas). We called and reported these fake charges to Medicare. I also got some test kits in the mail which I smashed and trashed.
    Millions of dollars were wasted on these scams. Pretty most people don’t bother calling Medicare since the statements didn’t show any patient amount due.

  7. I had to have a test before my back surgery. Negative. You think they’d say it’s positive when I am going in for a very expensive procedure? No, they’d rather have that money then the measly little $45,000 they’d get for putting me in the hospital for Covid. I’ve already decided that I will never take another one, even if it’s “needed” for any procedure. I’ll go without.

    And I will never wear another mask. I’ll stop going to my doctor if he requires it and make sure he knows why. I’ll not go into a store if they require it. We are stocking up on stuff now and, if necessary, we will go without.

    If my church shuts down, even for a few weeks, I’ll find another church.

    I will not comply.

  8. You can bet they’re trying to figure a way to impose their will upon us again. They’re aware that a large percentage of the population didn’t take the jab and they’re upset about it. I would put nothing past them. We’re approaching the point where we’ll see just how far they’re willing to push and just how much the citizens will tolerate. We already know they’re willing to maim and kill by promoting the first round of toxic “vaccines”. Should be interesting.

  9. Claudia — You bet! Frankly, if they want to jail me for noncompliance, I’ll just smile and say, “I could sure use a vacation. No cooking, cleaning, laundry, shopping; just 3 hots and a cot and all the time in the world to read my favorite book. Where do I sign?”


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