You Don’t Think There is a Deliberate Effort To Feminize Boys? – IOTW Report

You Don’t Think There is a Deliberate Effort To Feminize Boys?

Look at the Boy’s Section at Target

26 Comments on You Don’t Think There is a Deliberate Effort To Feminize Boys?

  1. American dudes seem to want to be feminized. The era of the eternal toddler. Dudes wearing suits with trainers, dudes wearing superhero shit. Faggots, the lot of them.

    Don’t be a faggot. Wear a tie. Carry a sidearm and a Fairbairn heart popper. Quit being faggots. And wear the kind of shoes you can kick a fucking kraut in the face.

  2. Target doesn’t leave girls alone either. Some of their stuff is too mature and some too much like hooker clothing.
    I haven’t shopped there for yrs but looked on their site after seeing this video. They have leopard skin swimsuits and black off the shoulder ones for 10 yr olds. Other things like that too.
    Some of the ugliest women’s dresses you ever saw.
    Probably trying to appeal to the cross dressers.

  3. “Prohibit them from possessing weapons of war, order them to wear tunics under their cloaks and soft boots; instruct them to play the lyre and the harp, and tell them to educate their sons to be shopkeepers.”

    (Croesus’ advice to Cyrus on how to pacify Sardis ~ 550 BC)

    There’s a reason the filthy izlamic maggots teach their sons to cut off the heads of their enemies while we teach our sons to suck dicks.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Years ago I had a discussion with one of the corporate drones for soft wear in Walmart.
    I asked why they constantly stocked clothes for little girls, that looked like they should have been sold at “Sluts R US”.
    There was nothing on their racks that I would feel comfortable with my daughter wearing in public.
    We ended up finding things sold by Mennonite clothiers that was cute, yet kept my kid from looking like a denizen of a red light district.
    May God watch over little boys, during this culture collapse.

  5. I’ve been in Target twice. I think it’s been around for a couple decades. I don’t remember buying anything either time. TJ Max next door is a place I trade with frequently.

  6. @ Dr. Hambone
    Name him Sue. That should do it.
    It seems like a lot of corporations, politicians and government education are treating us like prisoners trying to torment us in the most vile evil ways.
    Vote with your dollars and your feet.

  7. Erik the ne’er do well unmasked scumbag
    AT 1:29 AM:

    You forgot to mention men wearing pajamas in public. I cringe every time I see some pudgy faggot in his PJs at the Walmart or supermarket. I blame it partly on the public schools that have “pajama day”.

  8. I have also noticed that practically the only ones dressing like men anymore are lesbians. Saw two pairs of them at the hardware store yesterday in flannel and Carhartt.

  9. And the fag designers have even screwed up adult men’s trousers and jeans with those short zippers that end up above where they need to. You literally have to unbuckle belt and pull pants down to be able to pis.

  10. My granddaughter’s small town Ohio school allows two boys to dress up and pretend to be girls. They changed their first name to a girl’s name and when teachers call upon them the use the chosen girl’s name.

    I told my granddaughter continue to call them by their Male name because that is what and who they are. Don’t play their game to gain attention and dressing as a girl. With later maturity they will either become the Male that they are or a mentally ill pervert. Don’t ignore them, they are misguided Boys, be kind but, call them by their male name.

    I have no idea who, what or where the parents are or why they would condone such sick behavior of their child.


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