“You eat pork and you look like pork, you pig!” – IOTW Report

“You eat pork and you look like pork, you pig!”

The leftist theory of multiculturalism, where different cultures blend and everyone benefits, put into practice—

Eradicate the left, now.

23 Comments on “You eat pork and you look like pork, you pig!”

  1. As a native American I am offended that Obama has imported another group og foreigners like this guy. The Europeans were bad but these guys are worse.

  2. Eating pig is the crime, right. Not beheading, raping little boys and goats, or even a man wearing a dress in public during broad daylight. I would have told him to go beta test a new suicide jacket.

  3. In “Great” Britain, the Muslims can do this stuff with impunity, had the white people done anything to defend themselves, THEY would have been prosecuted for hate crimes. And this is what people like Patrick Stewart want to turn America into.

  4. Being accosted by one of these miscreants is an assault on civility.
    Breathing his foul unwashed scent is an assault upon civilized nostrils.
    Annoy me in this manner WOG, and you’ll swap that hat for a Turban made of gauze

  5. typical Filthy Mohammedan Savage. He’s a FUCKING COWARD and only threatens the man but he punches the woman. I hope he got arrested and is in jail right now but what with the Sharia-loving assholes running the UK now, I doubt it.

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