The Biden Admin has just officially abolished Title IX as we knew it. Now, sex = gender identity.
— Riley Gaines (@Riley_Gaines_) April 19, 2024
In a nutshell, the new rewrite means:
– men can take academic AND athletic scholarships from women
– men will have FULL access to bathrooms, locker rooms, etc
– men could be…
21 Comments on You FemTards Did a Great Job
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And yet, libtarded suburban white wimmins will still vote for old Joe because, abortion.
I went to the doctor the other day and admitted that I have been drinking rather heavily lately. He asked me how many drinks I have a day. I said, “I’m an alcoholic doc not a fucking accountant.”
^^^^ could be in the Bad Joke Friday, if we have one this week.
BJF Guys….waiting for it.
Sounds like a room in each dorm will have to be converted into an “Abortion Chop Shop”.
@Say what? – Then count the drinks you DON’T have. Lately, for me, I’m doing really good. It’s a yuge number!
FRIDAY, 19 APRIL 2024, 16:51 AT 4:51 PM
“And yet, libtarded suburban white wimmins will still vote for old Joe because, abortion.”
…what can I say other than what I’ve already said?
Chicks love to kill their babies.
And they vote…
Pervs gotta perv!
Title IX was enacted by Congress. Presumably, FJB doesn’t have the authority to cancel it unilaterally. Not that that matters to Dems these days. Think: student loan cancellation. FBJ (and the suburban white women who support him)
Next on the Pedo Joe agenda; saying adult men can identify as little girls at will so’s they can shower with their adolescent daughters.
…make no mistake, normalizing pediatric rape is the ultimate goal here.
And Pedo Joe is certainly the poster boy for child rapists everywhere…
Sounds like it’s time for any REAL women to step up to the plate…..with baseball bats. To try and knock some sense into the “confused” Libtard Satanists. (or at least, to release the vacuum between the ears)
Looks like you gals only burned your bras so the rest of us could see your nipples.
Men make better women than women.
Now get back in the kitchen Bitchard.
At this point, anyone still voting democrat is either a moron or a scumbag. There are no other options.
…keep in mind that on-demand underage abortion that’s SO secret they won’t even tell the PARENTS is a pedophile’s best friend.
…very effective at hiding the most damning DNA evidence, nicht war?
…and if the pedophile is lucky, his underage victim dies too, from an ectopic pregnancy a girl took an aborifacent to terminate, sepsis or a D&C gone wrong, and the parents don’t even know about it to check…a pedo win win, as dead children tell no tales…
Like I’ve always said…”Just because you’re a PUSSY that doesn’t make you FEMALE!”
I can see in the future a lot of these assholes will die suddenly, and probably from LEAD POISONING!
What are the criteria for being a woman? Why couldn’t a guy just say he’s a girl without making any other changes to his behavior, hormones or plumbing? Even keep his name. Why not?
It’s death by a thousand cuts, that’s all I can figure. And it sure isn’t Old Joe calling the plays.
Where are the Legislature and SCROTUS?
Seems to me the Retarded Pedophile Usurper is overstepping his “authority.”
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
Tim – FJB
SATURDAY, 20 APRIL 2024, 5:33 AT 5:33 AM
“Where are the Legislature and SCROTUS?
Seems to me the Retarded Pedophile Usurper is overstepping his “authority.””
…he stopped caring about that long ago.
The only power the other branches can exercise on the executive is impeachment.
And the Mayokis debacle made it manifestly clear there’s no way in hell that’s ever going to happen…
They aren’t femtards, though those follow along loudly. It’s femverts, or pervinists, the ill people who have brought us to this state… along with men who declined and decline to ‘straighten these freaks out’.
We got a lotta wood ta chop here fellas. A lotta wood built up.
So does that mean I can now order a trans woman to make me a sandwich now?