“You Owe It To Us” Says the Man Dressed in Women’s Clothing – IOTW Report

“You Owe It To Us” Says the Man Dressed in Women’s Clothing

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: It’s inevitable that on occasion we all will see a man dressed like a $20 street hooker, strutting down the street in heels looking like a possible villain from the horror movie “Drag Me To Hell.” And most sane parents would try to divert their kids’ attention away from such freak shows to something else and remind them that, “It’s not nice to talk about strangers.” That seems like a reasonable strategy to me. It’s polite, it’s respectful and it helps parents avoid having to address freakish sexual proclivities with their innocent children.

But that’s not a good thing to mentally confused, lipstick-wearing, dress-adorned “genderqueer activist” Jacob Tobia, who recently wrote an open letter to BuzzFeed to scold America’s parents and demands better of you. Tobia lectures parents about the proper ways to respond when he confuses our children by parading around in drag.

In the lengthy screed, complete with about a half-dozen pictures of himself in lipstick and miniskirts. Tobia complains that children often stare and point at him, and their parents fail to make use of the “teaching moment” he has so helpfully provided. “You have to do better. You owe it to me.”


12 Comments on “You Owe It To Us” Says the Man Dressed in Women’s Clothing

  1. I know cuss words in four or five languages and I still don’t have enough words to inform this despicable piece of shit what I think of or his opinion.
    Wrap this freak up in a ball and give him to Bob for catapult ammo.

  2. It is a “teaching moment”. I taught my kids when Daddy is not with you with his aluminum baseball bat on the floor of the car, and something that looks like that approaches you or is nearby, you run away very fast and find me, scream if it talks to you or follows you.

  3. No doubt it is a teaching moment. It is not polite to point is always a good lesson. Stranger danger is another good lesson to teach. When is it ok to shoot someone at your door step is yet another good lesson. Here in Colorado the interpretation of that last one is pretty broad. It runs along the lines of: if I feel “threatened” its go time. Libtards call it the “Make my day” law. That is a great lesson because it covers so many topics.

    As good parents we should always be on the lookout for good teaching opportunities.

  4. When first reading article, wasn’t sure I would be able to find a positive message. I was wrong. Went to the BuzzFeed article. He mentioned his home state of Michigan. That means he isn’t here anymore. That’s a positive message for me!

  5. What they say: “We want to be treated as normal, nobody treat us any differently or give us any special attention or treatment because we are just like everyone else”.
    What they really mean: “We know we aren’t normal and we’re going to get in your face to prove it, and even though we want special treatment because we’re not like everyone else if you treat us any differently we’ll destroy your life”.

  6. You are obviously mentally ill and possibly dangerous. You look like a freak and should be treated like a freak. Stay away from normal folk, especially the kids.


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