“You Plan On Killing Anyone?” – IOTW Report

“You Plan On Killing Anyone?”

A republican judge who lost reelection after being criticized that he was too tough started letting everyone go that appeared before him.

He was all, “this is what you voted for…. weeeeeeeeeeeee, look at me, I can let everyone go just like you want!”

It wasn’t clear if the guy who beat him would be letting everyone go, but I get his point, sort of.

He kind of snapped.

And he needs to do something about the yellow stain on his mustache below his nostrils.


A Houston district court judge who lost a re-election bid on Tuesday is facing criticism for releasing a majority of the juvenile defendants who appeared before him Wednesday after allegedly asking them whether they planned to kill anyone.

District Court Judge Glenn Devlin, a Republican, lost his seat Tuesday to Democratic opponent Natalia Oakes — in a wave of 59 conservative jurists who had been ousted by Harris County voters, NBC Houston affiliate KPRC reported.

And on Wednesday morning, Devlin had made a decision that shocked Steve Halpert, juvenile division chief for Harris County’s Public Defender’s Office.

“The juveniles were asked whether they were going to, if released, whether they would kill somebody,” Halpert told KPRC. “It was a little bit shocking because that’s not a question Judge Devlin would ever ask. Or any judge.”

The judge’s actions were especially incongruous given his track record of incarcerating juvenile defendants, according to local media. A Houston Chronicle investigation in October revealed that Devlin and Judge John Phillips accounted for more than one-fifth of all children sent to Texas juvenile prisons last year, sending them “younger and for less-serious offenses than the county’s third juvenile court.”

The public defender also said he is sympathetic to the district attorney’s concerns saying the judge’s move could “endanger the public,” according to a statement by Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg.

“Neither side is happy,” Bunin said. “This is different in that it’s across the board. It’s just never been done without any consideration of the effect of the release of the child and the community.”

But Harris County Juvenile Courts Manager Cindy Milom contested any portrayals of a “mass release” of defendants. She said only seven of 13 juvenile defendants who faced the judge Wednesday were released.

19 Comments on “You Plan On Killing Anyone?”

  1. What? They have never heard of: Be careful what you ask for

    Their community, in the aggregate, has only themselves to blame if they voted for catch and release. He is just implementing the will of the voters.

  2. Anybody and everybody in the criminal justice bureaucracy that is trying to help make a safe community for everyone to prosper in must feel similar levels of frustration. I don’t think I could put up with it. I can’t fault him for making a point the only way he could make it.

  3. Not nearly as bad releasing five top-level terrorists in exchange for an army deserter, or giving 150 billion to a “death to America” regime developing nuclear weapons and funding terrorism throughout the world.

  4. If the juvenile offenders are Black, they become dindonuttins automatically because Mama crys, “dey be good!” Justice deserved is not being allowed when it is actually needed. Law decided by color only!

  5. Why would 59 (FIFTY NINE) judges all be beat at one time?
    I’m not from Houston, so I don’t know for certain.
    But I’m betting the liberal media had a LOT to do with it.
    They ginned up some sort of “They’re unfairly putting our innocent babies in jail!” scandal.
    Yes. The same media that is now complaining about this judge’s leniency.

  6. He didn’t do it “without any consideration of the effect”. He ask them if they were going to kill anybody. I assume the ones he released said No. And he released only about half.

    I doubt that his releases will have anything more than a very small effect on local crime (I hope I’m right), and he got tons of publicity for the effects of the local election. In the long run, that may well have a large beneficial effect. In balance, I think he likely did the right thing given the circumstances, over which he no longer had any control, that he found himself in.

  7. Born and raised in (around) Houston. Used to be a great city. The Creeping Blue Virus has destroyed it. And don’t kid yourselves – the rest of America isn’t far behind. It was fun while it lasted…

  8. Old Racist White Woman- We acquired some of those in Las Vegas, too. Some of them went home to NOLA pissed because they wouldn’t let them cash or use EBT cards at the casinos. Although, rumor has it a few managed to withdraw cash at Binions and Four Queens before they were caught and stopped allowing it.
    That was scum of all colors and both sexes. We have our own scum, don’t need to add to them.

  9. ““Neither side is happy,” Bunin said. “This is different in that it’s across the board. It’s just never been done without any consideration of the effect of the release of the child and the community.””

    Maybe not in Harris county, but they should look to Broward county and that kid who shot up the skool. He was never incarcerated for anything and had a squeaky clean record — no record. They didn’t care there ’cause they were afraid of losing $$$ from the feds. From that info one can figure out what a life is worth in Broward county.

  10. I see where the judge is coming from. Part of me wishes liberals get their way. Part of me wishes they get everything they want. The thing about laws is that you don’t have to comply. You are only as free as you choose to be.

  11. I know the judge and the media blowup borders on fake news. The Administrative Offfice of the District Courts issued a statement yesterday with factual data which the Houston Chron and other media have overlooked and chosen not to report since again, it doesn’t fit the narrative.

    To summarize, the 7 juveniles released from preteial detention were released to parents/legal guardians who agrees to provide 24 hour supervision. They were not “set free” -they are still charged with a crime (aggravated robbery) and will back be in court the first week of January for further action.

    There were 13 juveniles who appeared in his court that morning and while 7 were released per the terms above, 6 remained in pretrial detention.

    The Chron reporter is a left wing radical who sensationalizes her reporting and this is another example.

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