You say Illegal Surveillance, I say Spying, let’s jail the whole lot of them – IOTW Report

You say Illegal Surveillance, I say Spying, let’s jail the whole lot of them

It depends on what the definition of “is” is. That’s the word game that is being played. But in truth, illegal surveillance is a much worse term for what happened to Carter Page.

Watch this exchange-

ht/ hot salsa

12 Comments on You say Illegal Surveillance, I say Spying, let’s jail the whole lot of them

  1. Spying or illegal surveillance?
    Theft or illegal re-distribution?
    So long as they have the same penalty I don’t really care, so you take yer Politically Correct word games and shove ’em up yer ass! Now if the penalty gets worse as the number of syllables goes up, we got ourselves a conversation!!

  2. I say line these jackwads against a rigid, non-permeable, flat plane about 2 meters high and apply the force of a high velocity projectile whose point of origin is a long tube modified with a mechanism designed to instigate a controlled explosion and which projectiles emanating from said long tubes are calculated to pass through a semi-solid mass propped up against said rigid, non-permeable, flat plane about 2 meters high.

  3. Lawyers define the world in their own terms then argue forever about the meaning of those terms.

    Spying is spying no matter how the seditious scumbags try to spin/obfuscate/twist/torture or hide what was done. The entire lot of them should be in prison…maybe they will be once Barr and Durham finish their work.


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